Plume Veil V1.5 clone top air

Hi all,
I just received my PV V1.5 clone from Fasttech and as always, there are no tips included. The problem I’m having is the air holes in the top cap. I assume these are adjustable but for the life of me, I can’t get the plastic adapter to turn. The sharp edges on the middle air holes make it difficult to get a good grip without needing stitches. Any suggestions? If I can’t get this thing to go, I’m going to drill through it.
I’ve seen the videos suggesting the bottom air holes be drilled to 5/32 but nothing about what to do with a top that won’t turn.
Thanks for any help.

I don’t own one, but I had to get one of those round plastic/rubber mat jar opener things to get a few of the top caps off some tank atomizers. The factory screwed them on so tight, I though I might break the glass under the pressure. Worth a try if you have one handy.

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no, don’t have one of those, but not sure it would work as it’s the delrin insert in the top cap that needs to twist off. I’ll try soaking it in dish washing soap and see if that does it. Thanks for the thought though.

if its like mine, turn it to the right like youre tightening it (black delrin part) and it will loosen. they put it on tight from the factory. use pliers and be carefull not to turn left as it will strip.


I’ve got a PVv1.5 from FT

Use some needle nose pliers and work the drip tip side of the Delrin piece until it loosens.

I’ve found some PV’s to be reverse threaded too but not all of them.

Once the Delrin is loosened its easy to use your drip tip to tighten/loosen the Delrin.

It’s a great feature that I find increases/decreases flavour/clouds.

Personally I haven’t needed to drill out my negative post air holes there’s plenty of air in the PV anyway!


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@cuezaireekaa and @Jondamon
Thanks for the ideas guys, I got it to open up after soaking it in dish washing liquid. It was still tough afterward, but I got it loose. I did chip the delrin with the needle nose. Bummer.
After the frustration with the top air holes, I had me a vape and I wasn’t impressed. It was OK but I really expected more. I hope it was just my build and I’ll try it again later. I really didn’t notice much of a benefit with the top delrin loosened and the air holes open.
I read a post that mentioned this is a finicky RDA as far as wicking and it was recommended that very low resistance coils be avoided. Guess I’ll have to mess with it and see what works.

Top air holes open = less flavour IME

I’ve found Clapton builds to give the best flavour in this RDA but then claptons are serious flavour builds anyway.

Another good build for the PV is a parallel 26g 9 wrap on a 2mm Rod single coil at About .49ohms

Lovely flavoursome build.


Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to master the Clapton yet. My hands get shaky before I can complete enough of the wire. I’ll build the other dual wrap and try that out. Thanks!

Try @NewDrip Clapton tool.

It involves a small bit of stiff wire and 2 pipettes.

Makes claptons a breeze.

Follow the link above.

No more sore fingers from tension on the wire.

I can easily make almost 3ft of Clapton wire or fused Clapton wire with this tool in one go in about 1-2minutes.



For my PV’s i bought these top caps.

Delrin caps

Even tho i didnt use the top cap AFC on the PV’s it still pissed me off that they got stuck all the time so i went with these.

Hear ya loud and clear brother. I actually ordered two of these last night.