I just ran across this while updating the WF SC additions (which is done BTW), but as all too frequently happens…I get pulled into a totally unexpected direction (thanks to seeing an outlying flavor that SHOULD be a quick fix. Ha. Yeah right… lol)
Here is the ACTUAL and proper flavor name from the manufacturer (currently):
However, these are examples where it is currently being sold as a different name (though I KNOW they aren’t the only ones. So please don’t think I’m “picking on” some of our respected vendors here, as frequently they’re really good about things):
Rice Treat
Crispy Rice Cereal
Rice Cereal Treat
Only LNW has it correctly listed at the moment…
Now, this is not to say that FW hasn’t renamed things at some point, but the point is, when folks wonder WHY something might be merged, this is often the reason.
There are also times where a flavor was renamed for legal reasons (fear of copyright infringement, actual legal action, etc)… but hopefully some of you can understand a bit better why we have the issues we sometimes have.
Oh, and whoever’s keying in Wonder Flavors (WF) that ALREADY EXIST in the database…PLEASE STOP. You’re failing to understand that WF has TWO SEPARATE LINES (regular concentrates, and super concentrates). And your entries are only complicating matters, when I’ve had WF SC and WF both in perfect shape a couple of times now. (And NO, I’m not talking about new flavors)