ProVape Closed

No your quite right, Vaping is sooo futile…I mean who gives a rolled up burnt shit about the millions of lives it’s saved…

Silly vapers and their ridiculous unimportant ideals… …I mean who do they think they are…? :thinking:


Banning Tobacco will save more lives then vaping sir. And if vaping is the holy grail it won’t matter that it costs 5 times more then smoking.
But you are right its all the goverments fault.

This a thousand times this. But no way in hell that provapes is unrightfully blaming the fda and if they are well thats the fault of the fda aswell

Provapes didn’t make as much as they used to…obviously, they have a very specific product that did still have a market no matter how niche…but because they don’t have the same bank role they can’t afford to move past the impending FDA doom…because it’s very fucking expensive to do that…so…still the FDA’s fault? it not…sir…?
Chances are, Provapes could very well of stayed in business if it wasn’t for what’s going to happen…no?


Great discourse!

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It isn’t like the fda announced this last week did they. My uneducated guess would say they were beat by the Asian companies in price vs quality. And in that area they aren’t the first and definitely won’t be the last either.

There really is no need for guessing as they’ve already stated the reason.


Yep no need for guessing and whatever you read in the newspaper or see on jerry springer is also the truth

Really? I didn’t know.


It is absolutely the governments fault. What gives them the right to tell me what I can and cant put in my body. I’m an adult that can decide if I want to go to war and die for my country but I need some nanny state government officials to save me from myself because I enjoy nicotine and desert flavored vapes. Pi$$ off with that $hit!


Beware the black and white, the truth lies somewhere in between.


Keep that thought when you find your kid high on crack.
Besides they are not saying you can’t. They will keep a closer eye and that they want a piece of the pie.
Both have little to do with provapes in my mind

Please explain to me why every American shouldn’t have a sign in their yard saying Fuck the FDA? If you hired someone to be your body guard, and instead of saving you they stepped out of the way to let someone put a bullet in your chest you’d be pretty pissed at your bodyguard huh? What if you found out the person that shot you paid the bodyguard to let you get shot? That’s what the FDA did. Plain and simple. Yes, the FDA should be regulating vaping. It is their job to do so. But what they are doing is killing a product that saves lives. And besides… regulating an electronic device along with the juice you use in it is like making someone have to get a prescription to buy the enema bag used to administer medication.


Keep what thought? Are you off your fucking medication? At what point did a grown adult mention anything about his kid using cocaine? At first I thought you were an educated person with a very odd outlook on the situation, now I think you seriously need to shut the fuck up.


I have no issues with laws to prevent sales to minors. That is not what we are talking about here. We are talking about making a relatively harmless product innaccessable to millions of people simply because it threatens the tax revenue of the government.

And who are you to say whether or not the FDA deeming regs had anything to do with ProVapes closing shop. Are you their Accountant? Have you seen their P&L sheets?


They probably should. All i’m saying is that if you are going to blame them for something be sure you are correct in the fact that they are the reason. And in this case i’m not so sure, not so sure about the fact that provape would still be around in a years time even if there would have been no regulations

And since only a small demographic off the people seem to be saying fuck (namely the vapers). I’m saying that i doubt it is going to help. But these regulations imposed on vaping are cleary designed with the help of Big T and the likes, and being scared to lose money. Then i ask of you is there no way we or better yet the industrie can come up with a plan that shows the goverment they could earn off of vaping preferably more the from cigarette?

So all in all. Yes these FDA regulations suck and something needs to be done about them if at all possible. Now do we really think a peacefull or not so peacefull protest screaming fuck the fda is going to help? And concerning the provapes issue. No i’m not their account and no i’m not 100% sure i’m correct but it does smell fishy to me. And i’m not going all googlyeyed with sympathy just because they post such a claim on their website cause i believe its only a .

Oh and for everybody in general i’m not on meds, don’t need a tin foil hat, am of normal intelligence. What i am not is a sheep that points his head in the direction that all other sheep do, who believes what everybody else does. But feel free to call me names or otherwise insult me because at the end off the day i care as much as the FDA…i don’t

The reason you are only seeing a small demographic of people saying fuck the FDA is because we are the only ones you are paying attention to. The shop owners are furious to the point that many of them are filing lawsuits or joining in with bigger lawsuits that are being filed. Here in Indiana the Supreme court just ruled the new laws that Indiana politicians passed are unconstitutional and aimed at creating a monopoly for a small circle of businesses. And it has been discovered some of the approved businesses involved are owned by people that all went to school together.

The shops are already seeing what the upcoming regulations are going to do to their business. And they are scared. There are already lots of recently released devices being sold in the vaping industry that are not available here. Take the Skill RDA for example. An RDA that would sell millions here in the US was not sold here due to the FDA regs that would have banned it. There are many other items as well that I have noticed are not sold in the US. So how are the shops going to continue to stay in business once they can no longer purchase new items? I mean as a consumer, I don’t plan on going to my local vape shop every day and buy the same mod I already own.

This is an improper use of the word “Futile”. Maybe you meant trivial? If so then yeah. It may seem a trivial subject to be upset with the government about to those who don’t understand what is going on. But to those of us who know the corruption that exists and can see it for ourselves, then it is just another straw placed atop the camel’s back. For me it is an act of evil intentions. For our elected officials to allow or endorse such a ban that will ultimately keep a complete industry of new and innovative products out of the hands of the citizens of the US is something we should stand up against. Especially since it is proven vaping is far safer than cigarettes.

I smoked for 20+ years. I know what cigarettes did to me. They ruined my health which will affect me the rest of my life. They caused me to have a failed marriage with a woman I loved. And in the end they nearly killed me when I spent a week in an intensive care unit at the hospital. They have killed members of my family. They have killed friends and their families, And they have done so without any similar stance by the FDA. They should be banning cigarettes and promoting vaping. But to do so would cut off a stream of cash being funneled into the government from big tobacco that so huge it would shut this country down. The government is backed into a corner by greed and deception from big business and from within. And they would rather kill American citizens by abolishing the greatest discovery for saving lives than stand up for us and figure out a plan that works. The FDA was formed to protect the lives of the citizens of this country. Explain to me how these upcoming regulations are going to do anything but the exact opposite of that?


And there is the simple truth they should ban smoking and leave vaping alone (although some people claim they don’t need a goverment for controling substances they could put in their bodies), but they won’t because the people in charge care more for the almighty dollar or euro then for their denizens.
The should take a closer look to where and why they are sending our soldiers to fight but they won’t there is money to be made in war. There isn’t money to be made in taking care off families from said soldiers or in taking care off your vets.
And so on. Thus if you trust in your goverment to do the right thing you are delusional, they will do the most profitable thing. And screaming the F word isn’t going to do nothing about it, better spend your breath pointing people in the direction off these lawsuits too see if and how they can help. Who knows maybe you’ll have to topple the entire goverment cause i think they are doing a pretty great job creating 2 layers in the people rich and poor and guess who is going to do the work.

ps maybe i meant trivial not native english.

We will all wear one some day :slight_smile: