I just saw this on the news. Eleaf Istick caught fire while charging when the owner was asleep Please be careful… this can happen with any mod.
Another reason why you should never charge anything that unattended.
If I’m charging anything and have to leave the house I stop charging. Resume when I get home.
Thnx for the link @Pro_Vapes
I did read about this a couple of weeks ago. It seems to be tied to the 50W version. I totally agree though, [quote=“Jondamon, post:2, topic:37731”]
Another reason why you should never charge anything that unattended.
Thank you to the OP
Wow, i has one just like that 50 watt eleaf I stick, but it was distroyed by juice leaking in the the charging port.I was so mad at my self for over filling my dripper
( my first time use a dripper ) Looks like blessing that i did that.
I don’t understand way the are saying not to leave your battaries unateanded when charging , when the all can do that. I sure don’t want my face looking at them if the go off. i have my charging station on a shelf in the computor room, where no one sleeps. I’m In the computor room most of the time, so i guess it will just hit my legs. Are there any signs that the battary make when over charging them?. I can’t smell anything. I just check on how warm they are. and don’t put them in the charger untill they have be cooled dowm after use.hope this is good as I can do.