" They say that progress illuminates the darkness. But there will always, always be darkness. And in that darkness there will always be Evil, in that darkness there will always be fangs and claws, murder and blood. There will always be things that go bump in the night. And we are the Witchers, we are the ones who bump back at them. -Vesemir of Kaer Morhen " (Season of Storms)…
Seriously…who the fuck comes up with the names for these Mods…
A mythological all powerful being who’s sole purpose is to hunt down and kill evil Witches …“ooh that reminds me of a 75w box mod all in one kit used for vaping…” said the head of marketing as they waved farewell to their last grains of sanity as they flew out of the office window…
Regardless, I’d seen this kit advertised on quite a few websites lately and I’d be lying if i said I wasn’t intrigued , it looked unique, it was an unknown, and that’s just the kind of thing that fly’s my broomstick.
So when my friend @Daisy3 from Elegomall sent me an email asking me if I’d like to have a spell at testing one, At exactly the same instance I happened to be reading about one on another website…I just thought…
So I thought it best to agree under the circumstances…,
Hello once more my fine furry flying steam monkeys, I trust you have all had a marvellous Christmas and have over indulged in every area imaginable, I know I have, I am literally twice the man I was a week ago and I have used the time in between courses to put this tricky little number through it’s paces, a device from the cheaper end of the market this time, and I have to say…a very pleasant surprise, Warlocks and Witches …I present to you…The Rofvape Witcher 75w TC kit.

See what I meant about the ‘Unique’…The device was delivered by a flying monkey last week and I have been having ‘spell offs’ with it for a few moons now, and I have to admit, I don’t know what I was expecting from a company I knew little about out in ShenZhen China that started only 2 years ago and only has a handful of devices on the market, and a device that costs around £32 for a full set up too (minus Battery) but this little imp has done nothing but impress me since the day I opened it.
Bigger than I anticipated, yet fits in the hand like it was meant to be there, it’s an incredibly ergonomic and exceptionally funky looking device.
It’s a 75w TC mod with a 5.5ml Tank sat nestled in it’s front pouch like a tiny robot kangaroo, It runs off one 18650 and can deal with Kenthal, Ni, Ti and SS stock coils, its Temperature Control & Variable wattage, it’s user friendly, it has excellent battery life for a single barrel and it looks kinda cool…?..Ok so…where’s the catch?
Couldn’t find one is my honest answer, I mean the aesthetics won’t be to everyone’s taste and it probably wouldn’t push any buttons for the Vaper who like’s to make his own weather system in his room, or indeed for those of us that absolutely cannot deal with the life of just 1 battery but…for a newcomer?, someone who needs to give up the coffin nails to save money but doesn’t have a big budget? or even a seasoned Vaper who is that far down this rabbit hole of ours that they hardly have any disposable left yet still feel the need for a more pocket friendly device to take out and about…then…It’s kinda perfect.
It ticks a lot of boxes, it also has more than it’s fair share of tricks up it’s sleeve too, this thing hasn’t just been thrown together, it can take 22 AND 25 ml tanks thanks to the front tank guard being interchangeable, it’s held on there with 4 hex screws and a spare guard of a different size comes in the box,
As does a wealth of different coils and other bits and bats too
1 × Witcher Tank (with 0.5ohm coil)
1 × Witcher Box Mod
3 × Witcher Coil (0.5 Kenthal, 0.2 Ni200, 0.3 SS)
1 × User manual/Warranty Card
1 × 23mm Metal Cover
1 × 25mm Metal Cover
1 × Bigger Drip Tip for DTL, 1 for MTL
1 × USB Cable
So as far as ‘Kits’ go, this is indeed a well put together one, but even all this wasn’t what surprised me the most about the Witcher…what really got me, was how the thing vapes, So lets look at the tank. For test purposes I just kept in the .5 ohms coil that it came with and filled her up with some of Charlie Nobles PB Cereal that’s been sat on the shelf (due to the fact that I wasn’t actually that keen on it), I let it sit for ten minutes then gave it a bash…firstly, the MTL drip tip felt alien to me, it’s concaved, yet follows the line of your lips so it feels like it’s hardly there at all which when you’re used to sucking on big bore’s and chuffer caps makes you expect a very restricted draw, I mean this drip tip is meant for MTL…but that’s not the case, with the air flow wide open it is still free enough to DTL, although I can confirm that with the airflow dialled right back it is a very good MTL device, and something else that quickly becomes apparent is how smooth the pull is, no crackling, no spitting noises…in fact hardly any noises at all, in MTL mode it’s as quiet as a mouse. this is the quietest sub ohm device I have ever used, and it’s a real pleasure to use too. I am presuming this is down to the unique airflow system the tank has…
the air is pulled in through the adjustable top airflow, which then travels down each of those 5 holes you can see around the outside ring, those pipes then go down through the liquid chamber, under and through the coil and out of the centre chimney (which is also surrounded by the top fill system)…crafty.
And this ain’t exactly an ugly warty faced big nosed witch of a tank either, A tad more
And a little less
Now now Bette…don’t be sore.
Also worth noting with the Witcher tank is the flavour, this is something else that surprised me greatly, I’ve made it no secret in the past that I in fact am not a great fan of stock coils, as a rule to me personally they taste nasty and you never know exactly which cotton they use in them…
But on this occasion they claim to use Fibre Freaks finest fluff, which is a high end wicking material loved by many, not me personally I’ve never bought it being a through and through bacon snob but it has it’s fans, so I can tell you this, the flavour from the Witcher tank is very, very good…and this is with a liquid I didn’t much care for before. There is of course no available RBA at this time but the coils are available for around $7.50 per 5…which for you UK vapers works out at about a (ahem) Quidditch…(sorry)
So, onto the Mod itself, well it feels solid enough, remember this a relatively cheap product, but in my opinion the finish and feel of the thing far out weighs the price considerably, it sits on a flat surface although it looks like it shouldn’t and like I said before it feels good in the hand…
Even one as chubby as mine…
The fire button is large and sat at an angle which makes it easy to fire and the whole thing fits in your pocket with no fear of any leaks.
Another point worth mentioning although not completely understood by me is the claim that it is ‘98% efficient and close to a mechanical mod’ …I presume this means that it uses 98% of the battery power to fire the coil and that the gubbins involved (the board, the internals etc) only uses 2%, and that sounds like a good deal to me although I confess it’s something that has never crossed my mind before, I can say however that the battery life is surprisingly good for a 1 battery device although I have only been using the .5 coil at around 40w, but still…it was noticeable.
So, to summarise, This kit was a very pleasant and unexpected surprise, I have tried to review it from a budget point of view yet to be perfectly honest I think this kit is worth more than they are asking for it, it’s very practical with the option of putting on any tank you like up to 25mm, it’s simple to use with no complicated menus, it’s as smooth to vape as anything I have tried so far, it covers both MTL and DTL vapers, it’s frugal with your liquid, it’s ergonomic and compact, in fact the only downside I can see people turning away from this kit is the quirky look of the thing, but with me, quirky is golden.
The tech specs are especially dull this time round…(yawn)
Physical Parameter:
Capacity: 5.5ml
Size: 64mm x 25mm x 98mm
Battery Capacity: 1 x 18650 (not included)
Max Wattage: 75W
Resistance: Kanthal 0.5Ω, SS316 0.3Ω; Ti 0.3Ω; Ni200 0.2Ω
Connection Threading: 510
Weight: 410g
Operation Guide:
Airflow Adjustable: Top
Fill Liquid: Top
Wattage: 7-75W
TC (temperature control): Yes
Temperature Range: 200F-600F/95°C-315°C
Still with me?..well done…
My personal opinion is that as far as budget starter kits go this is right up there, if you are inclined to give vaping a go yet are looking for a kit from the perspective of…
Then you will be very impressed with this little devices performance.
Yet I am by no means a starter, and I have put this device in my car as it fits perfectly in the drawer under my steering wheel, and I will use it, whether it turns out to be reliable is another thing altogether, I have only had it a week, but in that week it hasn’t skipped a single beat.
So there you have it, A fine crafted device from a relatively new company targeting new comers to give up the stinkies and give vaping a go, and they nailed it, in the words of Professor Minerva McGonagall…
If you like the look of this impressive little device then you can find one here for a mouth watering $35.90 (around £32.50) Witcher 75w TC Kit
I feel compelled to go off and enjoy some more of this PB cereal with my Witcher…so odd …I really was not a fan of it before but…it allures me…like it’s a spell or something…ahhhhh I see now…
If you would like to see how this tasty little number scores against other items of Vapeology then please feel free to hop on over to Steampugs and I’ll put the cauldron on