Pulse 80 watt

The only mods I buy now and have bought for over a year now use the DNA board’s

Bottom line Evolv DNA chips are the best in every way. I say this because I have 1 of my VT Inbox’s at Evolv in Hudson Ohio for repair that is well beyond the HCigar and the Evolv warranty period.

In the communications so far it would seem that my only cost for the repair is going to be the shipping cost to them. The repair is FREE and they are even paying the shipping cost back to me.

I challenge anyone to find a Chinese mod / board maker that would do that.

I love using temperature control and for the most part other then a couple of mech squonkers only do TC and Evolv customer service has went above and beyond what could be reasonably expected by anyone on the 1 and only occasion I have had to use them.


So, i just saw this https://www.healthcabin.net/vandyvape-pulse-80w-box-mod-carbon-fiber-standard-version-p/17531.html and realised it use a gene chip. Still in pre order though.

Though I fully agree that DNA’s chip boards are among, if not the best, the whole intention of the Pulse 80W was bringing an affordable (read cheap) squonk mod on the market. Tony makes a point of this in his video.

Even if DNA sold 10 times the boards they do now, there’s only so much they can cut off their profits so that the extra sales makes up for it… it’s never going to be ‘cheap’.

YiHi has a pretty good reputation for TC as well. Their new SX Mini T Class even comes with free spinners.


YiHi is my go to chip. I absolutely love it. The DNA is ok. It isn’t all that. IMO. It could be that I still don’t know exactly how to set it up properly.

I am seeing prices around 65 USD for the pulse and I just purchased a VT Inbox that uses the DNA 75 chip last week from a US seller for 79.95 delivered to my door and I had it in my hand in 3 days not 3 weeks from china.

Considering that and how Evolv stands behind the chip no matter who makes the mod and will repair it for free even beyond the warranty period makes it a no brainer for me anyway.

Back when the IPV4 first came out I got a bad one and went thru weeks of back and forth communications with Pioneer for you and YIHI and never did get it resolved.

My first time contacting Evolv and even telling them up front the mod and board were past the warranty period and there first response was providing a RMA with a message if you ship it to us we will repair it free of charge and even pay for the shipping back to you. NO QUESTIONS ASKED no request to post a youtube vid of it not working no request of pictures showing it not working just a simple quick reply in less than 24hrs to ship it to them at my cost of 5.16$. Hard to beat that kind of service at any price.


I see responses like this a lot. It was a difficult learning process to find my perfect set up with my first one but after that it was a simple copy and past my profile to the second one. Both of those being DNA 200 boards. Next I purchased the VT Inbox with the DNA 75 board. Had to manually set that one up to my preferences and when I purchased my second Inbox again a simple copy and past and the second one was set up exactly the same.

That being said some mods come set up properly from the manufacturer and some don’t. This has been an issue with all of the DNA devices. There are some things in the software that the manufacturer is supposed to set up themselves and many of them do not take the time to do that.

I have pretty much used TC ever since it first came out and nickel wire was the only wire any mod was set up to work with. I struggled thru a lot issues with many different mods until getting my first DNA mod and have been totally happy ever since.

I am in no way a tech savvy guy but there are plenty of folks here on ELR and also over at the Evolv forum that have already posted tons of info on setting up different DNA device’s properly. There are also of bunch of Tech savvy folks on the Evolv forum that are more then willing to help you out.

There is a learning curve getting all of the settings working for you personally but once you get one set up right they do TC better than any other TC board I have ever had.

Just telling my personal experience’s with the DNA devices and when you add in how Evolv themselves stand behind there product no matter who manufactures the device has me sold.


Just to get this thread back on point I have to say if VV and Tony B did make this mod with a DNA chip I would be sold on it.

I am not sure how many chips a person would have to buy but the bottom line is at least HCigar and a couple others have got the price point way down on owning a DNA device so it can be done.


I would be as well , like your earlier post I have found the Evolv to produce the best chips bar none. I know Tony B and Vandy Vape went into this trying to produce a very good economical regulated squonker at a great price for the masses. The DNA board would almost double the cost but I would pay it as it would still be a bargain.

I do stand with Tony B on this and will not be buying anything from VooPoo . I am sure fault can be found on both sides but I do believe VooPoo decided to steal the design and simply produce the mod for themselves . I think @Rob62 nailed it… There is no way they produced enough samples for reviewers without committing to take on this project at that point. They simply realized they could profit more by stealing the design for themselves , I hope it backfires and costs them dearly.


I wasn’t saying anything on it actually being cheap. I don’t know where the costs all go to for the production of these mods, nor do I know anything about profit margins, differences with other chips or other components. I’m just saying that in the video that came along with the original post, Tony stressed that yes, he could’ve chosen for a DNA board but he wanted to keep things as cheap as possible.
So if you put it in other words, if they would’ve gone for a DNA board, the Pulse 80 would’ve been even more expensive.


Guangdong, Chinese. Too many bad experiences. I’m done with anything chinese.That includes TeslaCigs, VooPoo, HCigar inter-alia. When there is a problem, one is called Friend, and the excuses start rolling. I’m done with their crap. There is a difference between inexpensive and cheap. They make cheap stuff. It will break and there will be no honour in the warranty. There is no option to return for refund or repair that is honoured.

what is that?


I’m happy to say that experiences differ. So far I’ve had no bad experiences with stuff coming from China, never had anything broken or had to contact their support. I can imagine it to be a hassle though. Just looking at this thread, you’ll see that Chinese businesses don’t really operate with the same mentality as we expect in the western world.
That being said, I’ve had to deal with a lot of crap from local stores as well, which is what pushed me to buying things online and having just as much respect for the local stores as they have for me. Quality service these days is hard to find, online or local shops.

I have a couple of Inboxes and that’s good to know about Evolv. Thanks.

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