Ok, so the title basically covers it, I was just wondering how a private recipe got rated? Did I do that, can you rate your own recipes? And if so, how do I fix it
Click the ratings tab and you can see who rated it, this happens to me and it’s because sometimes when I go to edit the recipe I accidentally hit the “rating” stars with my clumsy big fingers. If it is still private you can just adapt it before making it public
I am a tad confused, only yourself or a mod can see a private recipe.
I cannot explain your personal likes beyond someone liking it.
Don’t let the idiosyncrasies of the site affect you - I create like a polar opposite to most.
Thanks Rocky, I had to pull it down, edit, then put it back. Most of my recipes are still pen and paper, but I’ll figure this out yet, lol.
Thanks for all your help guys, I never post a topic and the first time I do it’s because of this It won’t happen again
[quote=“NeonKoala, post:6, topic:263497”]
I never post a topic and the first time I do it’s because of this
Never be worried about what you see as a silly question, sometimes it examines all of us and make us do better.