Questions on steeping

I’m aware how important steeping is - I was eager to start trying the juices I was making. From what I’ve read the desert type flavours like milkshake flavours it seems really important to steep them for a good week or so.

I have made two really nice tasting fruity flavours which appear to be great shake and vapes. I have only made 10ml of each to last me the next couple of days. My question is, after steeping, is it likely that they will definitely taste great or can results vary once the flavours have had chance to mingle??

I’m going to remake them tomorrow in 30ml batches and leave them to steep for 4 or 5 days and try them again.


if it is mixed right then steeping will make it taste better. Great? Depends on if it was mixed right, your nic is good, the right flavor combos. For fruits a week or less steep is needed.

Custards, creams need more time. And it definitely makes a huge difference.


i watched the interview @DIYorDIE had with pretty matthew from charlie noble and matthew said steeping will make a good juice better , but wont do anything for a failed recipe flavors like creams and custard continue to develope longer than fruits but some fruits will tend to mute with a longer steep i always test at 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 weeks take notes if you dont find any difference from week 2 and 3 then your probably good but i like to go to a 4th week if the recipe is heavy with cream , its a love hate relationship when it comes to steeping and me lol


If u begin your diy journey by mixing the top rated recipes and follow em exact then I trust u will make great mixes both shake&vape and steeped. Any mix IMO improves once steeped, usually best at the 2 week mark but also very good after just a few days to a week. Once u get into the diy and vaping juices over a number of weeks u will get an idea of steeped vs fresh.
Jeremy’s restrauant style strawberry lemonade was the first mix I thoroughly enjoyed and is to this day an adv for me. Nana cream is also a good simple mix. Starting with the top rated 2-5 flavor mixes is how I did it and def would do it that way again.


As long as it’s a good recipe it will be great in 2 weeks. If it’s not a good recipe it wont ever be very good.
(From person with much experience with bad mixes)

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im like a 3 out of 10 success rate maybe even 2 of 10 lol lots of failed recipes , i just mixed a blueberry coconut that im hoping turns out

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Steeping is different according to everybody you ask, and they are all right. It’s whatever works for you. I try and don’t always succeed to go off this rule of thumb

Fruits punches and sodas 7 to 10 days with a taste at ( if I can make myself wait that long 3 or 4 days)
Fruit mixes with alcohol flavors ie bourbon champagne, and rum 10 to 14 days. ( if I can make myself wait that long a week)
Creamy things like milkshakes or cream pies pudding flavors 2 to 4 weeks depending on how creamy they are ( if I can make myself wait that long 2 weeks)
Creamy things that have custard flavors in them or alcohol flavors in them 2 to 3 weeks then evaluated and at least one more set of two weeks.
Bakery type items cereals, cakes, cookies, bars and bakery with fruit like jam flavors in them 2 weeks to evaluate and another two weeks for a final decision as to how much longer.

Anything that sucks leave for 6 to 8 months then give to wife to see if she likes it. lmao :smirk:

I know it seems like it takes forever but remember
and my self guidelines have changed about ten times since I started down the DIY path and will probably change that many more in the next two years or so. I’ve got what I thought wan an epic fail a “Hostess” lemon pie with ice cream that I made last September, wifey grabbed it by mistake the other day filled her tank took a few vapes and says to me WTF is this and why haven’t you been sharing it with me. I was as usual in the dark took a few vapes asked her what she put in she goes I don’t know the one with the light blue lid in the third row. I was pretty sure what it was and had been meaning to dump it out. Well we’ll keep that one around. However it is one of those flavors that after vaping a couple tanks you’ve had enough for a while. I’ll keep it in my active file but probably won’t make it very often. It’s almost 100 ml but only because I kept adding a little of this and a little of that trying to make it WOW well WOW time did it for me. Well enough of this book. Sorry I rambled on and on.

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