Raspberry Ripple icecream

Hi everyone!

Really fancy having a go at a rasp ripple icecream but no clue where to begin (other than using raspberry and icecream concentrates lol). Any help greatly appreciated - my flavour stash is open for viewing!

TIA :grin:

I’m not the ice cream pro for sure.

I always pick the main flavor 1-2 flavors. Reaearch those. Then look at the top recipies and build from there.

Flavors to pull up. Vanilla Bean ice cream cap and tpa are popular. Check the flavor reviews.
Raspberry FA and inw. Ect.

Since your going for ice cream with fruit on top. Pick the vanilla bean ice cream flavoring that sounds the best. The review the top 20 recipies that use it to see how they are used to the most “top rated mixes.”

More than likely you will find raspberry ice cream recipies.


Fab advice - thanks - am gonna give it a whirl (or should I say ripple) over the weekend :+1:


This may be a starting point:

Raspberry Vanilla Ice Cream

Ingredient %
Raspberry (Sweet) (TPA) 5
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA) 8

Flavor total: 13%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

It’s pretty tasty.

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I guess you need to figure which raspberry flavors you like and which vbic flavors you like. I really like TPA VBIC or Liquid Barn VBIC mixed with a few other creams FA cream fresh and either Marsh FA or FLV and as far as raspberry I would say I like FLV, FA, and CAP v1 raspberry. I also think that a little bit of coconut FA helps to blend it.

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One, please pardon my updating your title (I capitalized the second word’s R, and I won’t say what my mind first read the title as out of respect for the wimminz folk! LMAO).

Two, and back on topic, anytime I hear Ripple associated with ice cream, I immediately think of a swirl of some sort. So I think it would be totally natural to include any one (or several) of the following:

Swirl, in and of itself, allows tons of leeway IMO!
Have fun with it! =D


Awesome - thanks :+1:

Just spat my coffee out laughing when I read this! And thanks for the help too :smiley:


Raspberry inw is awesome, consider mixing maybe 0.75% into @bradslinux’s excellent cream dragon v8, it’ll get you started.

Oh, he’s HC2S on ELR


I had to go look @therabidweasel so here’s the link http://tjek.nu/r/21aw Man that looks good and well received/reviewed.

One the “swirl”? I’d think it needs to be “jammy” …maybe add 1% Strawberry Shisha (INW) to pop the Rasp and jam it up

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@therabidweasel @BoDarc thanks both - gonna go knock some up now! Will share the recipe when I thinks it tastes good! :grin:

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And @bradslinux for assisting without knowing!


Happy to be of assistance ma’am. :smiley: