Kanger was on to something when they put a rebuildable and a prebuilt in the same tank… Now the Chinese have stepped it up a notch. Looks like the future of Tanks are going to be along the line of the new Goliath V2 and Zypherus with the prebuilt and rebuildable deck options. Browsing around the Internet I found this beauty of a tank. Tell me what you think?
I think it is a clone of Subtank.
Now that say that… it does look like a subtank. I own one and couldn’t even see it. That’s probably why they didn’t show the chimney. It is a good looking tank, but if it is a clone of the sub tank then it will lack some in performance. There’s nothing getting pass you guys.
maybe has a bit more airflow?
I know they had 2 different types of bases on the original. I have the first version with the restricted airflow. I been meaning to buy the slotted airflow base but never got around to it. I could never get the rda to wick properly either… DRY HIT CITY.
did u drill it out… a 2mm hole 3mm above the juice channel!! no more dry hits at all!!!
I saw the vid on that… i just never bothered after i found better tanks. I hardly ever use it.
I felt the same till I tried it I kinda dig single coils!!!
I’m probably just being lazy.