@Rosymae welcome to ELR, and once you get the Tauren Vortex 30, post back you thoughts on it.
Oh my, it arrived today, I used the supplied coils as just wanted to try really quickly! Playing with the airflow and I think 30% open is the sweet spot. I’ve got the exact same juice in my rta so able to do a direct taste comparison, the Tauren tastes so much brighter. Yes, it really does! Dripping is a new thing trying not to get a dry hit but not flood the thing. I’m guessing it’s trial and error, unless anyone has any tips I would be most grateful!
The only way you can flood an RDA is if you fill it to the point where it is flowing over into the AF hole(s). You won’t get a dry hit if your wick is saturated. Just a little practice, trial and error. RDAs are very forgiving.
My wife prefers a drip atomizer to anything else which I bought her and thought she would like using. Nope! She’s an all day drip atomizer woman. And funny enough, her favorite atomizer is an IGO-L… her very first dripper I bought for her over 13 years ago. She says nothing else punches the flavor like her IGO-L.
All I can say is, you kinda get used to how many hits you can take off the atomizer, before you dry the wick. As you said… trial and error. Plus, you’ll get accustomed to the flavor change in the juice, once you dry out the wick too much.
Sadly, these are a thing of the past… dinosaurs. If you can find one online, let me know… I’ll buy 12 of them!
I remember my first RDA experience after being so frustrated with not getting enough Vapor with my clearomizers or other similar devices. Yes, my mind was blown.
Heehee, I have IGOs but you can’t have 'em
Speaking of tips… once you’re tipped over into the Squonk hole…
… you might not have to worry about dry hits too much!
i should sue you for attemped hypnotism / seiZure, and hurting my eyes
Dude, you’re not American.
Thank you so much for the feedback, I do find this forum really helpful. Yeah, over the course of the day it seems giving it a good glug (technical term) seems good for 5 maybe 6 puffs. Really good to hear that I can’t really flood it. I did without thinking change the batteries having just given it a glug, so now I know not to do that again… I’m going to have to use the rta sleep time, so yeah I am now wondering about a squonk mod, maybe the dual topside v4. Any thoughts, thanks again
Top side is quiet large check your measurements before you buy ,single 21700 mods are more manageable I find but I’ve always got more than one mod with me and a pod if you want a size comparison I’ll put up some pics
Ahĥhh too late, it’s on it’s way,…thanks for the thought though. I wfh so that’s where it’ll be mostly, I’m used to dual batteries and the life they give me, so I’m hoping that it’ll be alright. Might be a brick, hoping not! I guess I’ve always got my current set up Geekvape Aegis 3 and the rta dead rabbit 3, when out n bout, which tbh I thought was fine till I came across the thread and having just got paid…well I thought why not, didn’t realise the vortex I was falling into, the pic did make me laugh. Thanks again
Ah you’ll be fine it is a great mod , be nice to the battery door and it will be good to you the new ones were changed in design but I’ve never looked to see the difference easy to fill,try to track down another bottle it’s great to have all that juice but if you suddenly feel the need to change flavor it takes ages to empty the bottle enjoy and as always we need pics
Thanks for this, I’m told it’ll arrive tomorrow, Royal Mail, so we’ll see…In a review I read the door has been an issue, hopefully fixed, but yeah I’ll be careful. It comes with a spare bottle which is good because I like fruits in the day, custard/fudge or chocolate at down time! Thanks again!