RDA...oh my

Well, finally got around to getting my RDA up and running. Got to say I’m really really enjoying it.

I can honestly say I’m not sure if it is the flavor I’m presently vaping (Hobbs Butter Cookie) or the RDA itself, but oh man wow. Such a nice experience.

I’ll definitely be making some of this and be buying some RDA supplies.



THAT is a great recipe “all his are imho” but EVERY juice you vape throught the RDA will taste different than you’re use to… The best move I made in my vaping journey @Oldguynew2diy

EXACTLY!! :smiling_face::metal::muscle:


Im definitely hoping to make that recipe. Hopefully I can get the needed ingredients.


You’ll be squonking next


Haha…never know


I remember about +/- 14 years ago, when I was making a trip to the only local B&M, procuring some supplies for my (what I thought to be) banging vape set up:

I was too shy and “vape uneducated” to ask about all the shiny bits and bobs which gleamed under the bright lights in the glass cases. All that stuff under glass, might as well have been tools and gadgets to build a rocket to the moon?!?

While awaiting my turn at the counter, I sampled juice flavors, which were loaded up in a 30 cartomizer display rack; lots of fun!

Then, a dude, who appeared to be very much like an Ozzie Osborne clone (complete with top hat and little red lense round glasses), tilted his extremely large mech mod towards me and said, “That’s nothing… (referring to the cartomizers)… Want your head blown off? Try this.”.

Needless to say, I walked out of the shop, $150 lighter in the pocket! My first killer mech tube mod set up with a banging UD IGO-W! Ozzy was by my side the whole time, instructing me on what exactly I needed for the long haul. He also told me I would be needing to drill out that .5mm air intake hole to at least a 3mm, if I wanted to taste anything.

Thanks to Ozzy… I started my DIY journey that day and blasted off to the moon, with all those gadgets under the brightly lit glass display case!


It took me a while to “accept” squonking. For some reason, I thought it would be too much fuss and fidgeting. Once I knuckled under and bought one, I was was like… “Fuuuuuuudge! Why haven’t I tried this sooner! No more drip, drip, drip. Push the bottle - Get juice! No brainier!”.

I vape on my happy little Luna(s) just about every day!


Nice. Someday it may happen…if i can even get anything like that here.


I’ve got loads of squonks maybe to many 6 to 10 ml on tap what more do ya want. and that one you got there was one that got away from me I’ll find one one day ,got my eye on another at the mo


B&M’s aren’t necessary… although, sometimes fun to visit, talk with like minded folks, and grab a beer (if your local B&M is smart enough to have both things available at the stool)… You have good friends right here on the forum that will aid in your vape gear procurement. All you have to do is the research.


I should’ve bought 20 Lunas when they were on the cheap! Shoulda… Woulda… Coulda

I’ve looked “just” about everywhere for Lunas. They are one of my “Holy Grail” searches when I’m on the hunt. Hopefully, I can find one (or 20) on a trade/buy site one day. If I do, I’ll snag one for ya. What color ya want?


Ha ha I’m in the uk thanks for the offer but that would be one expensive mod @Oldguynew2diy if you need any help with a mod give me shout and I’ll give you my 2p worth of knowledge


Appreciate that.


Hi, I’ve found this thread really interesting, combined with the recent review, I’ve just ordered Thunderhead Creations Tauren Vortex30 RDA. It’ll be here tomorrow, currently Dead Rabbit 3 RTA, hoping for great things!


Im really enjoying the Dead Rabbit 3. No complaints, although it is my first one so nothing to compare to.


Good to hear, I was torn which RDA to try and tbh the review and others swung it. Since I stopped smoking 13mths (roll ups 40gm a week)ago my tastebuds have improved a lot. I do also have a bit of spare money so was looking for a new toy!! Glad you’re enjoying yours, it’s definitely a journey!


It absolutely is.


how was the coil building / wicking experience?
first time correct?


Didn’t have to build a coil yet, as a few were sent up with the mod. The wick was easy peasy. Once th3 coils i have are done will have to build, but looks easy enough.


RDA’S are alot more forgiving than RTA’s when it comes to wicking.
flooding or just bad flavor/performance etc
wick length, density and brushing become alot more important

of course you can drip straight into most RTA’s too but thats cheating