i never would have thought to order Condensed Milk before but @MysticRose - your enthusiastic review (for the VG version) gave me the idea. Thank you Planning to try a mix with the Caramel and Condensed Milk. i feel like they would go well together
And now to go to Walt’s Canadian re-seller and try to whittle down the $100+ wishlist shopping cart there. Btw can i just say: smoking (for me) was cheaper! Granted, they were tax-free cigarettes and thus not exactly legal. But literally everyone in this neighbourhood smokes them. Lot of low income folks here. Until…now haha, i was smoking 4 cartons a month for only $100. i’ll say this: it made growing my savings easier. But vaping means i’ll be around to enjoy what i save lol.
Sharing this in case anyone gets discouraged by the cost of vape stuff. i really feel it’s less about the money and more about what you want to do with your life. But…there’s no rush to go crazy. i’m already putting at least a dozen flavours i want to try aside for another month. It’ll be OK You can only vape so much in a given period.
Good decision! That is one of my favorites, and will go fantastic with caramel. And LA Butter Rum. And custard. And cheesecake. And pie. And pudding. In fact, I think it’s fantastic in most things
It is much more expensive to get started than smoking, but once you get a base of flavors purchased, they will make a LOT of juice. If you don’t need 500 flavors like some people…ahem…lol
Using the extracts even at 3%, you will get a huge amount of juice out of even one bottle. Some brands are higher. Once you input your flavors on the recipe side along with cost, it will tell you at the bottom of the recipe your costs on each bottle. Mine are usually between $.38-1.12 per 30ml bottle. But I don’t vape nic anymore, so mine is less than some.
Really glad you found us, and hope you have as much fun as most of us here do
[quote=“MysticRose, post:1047, topic:51199”]
If you don’t need 500 flavors like some people…ahem…lol[/quote]
i’m some people! Looking at Walt’s VG flavours on the Canadian re-seller’s site and so far i think i’ll be going with 30 mL of each of the following: Cherry Pie, Chocolate Milkshake, Coffee Cake, and Strawberry Pastry. With (an expensive) 10 mL of the French Toast w/Eggnog, just to see how different it is from French Toast.
Any thoughts on these?
i’m scared of the Eggnog for a particular reason. See i love the (non-alcoholic) beverage straight up…one of very few in my family who do, which annoys me every Christmas haha. But a fortunately-fading memory from another lifetime of TPA’s Eggnog haunts me. It was vile. And it was not egg nog! No egginess or creaminess. It was like inhaling an overpowering choking cloud of nutmeg & cinnamon.
i’ll be buying 30 mL of CAP Vanilla Whipped Cream too, if you think that’ll pair with any of these choices. Then again maybe i should just stick with the extracts…hmm.
This makes me happy! Thank you i’m really glad i found you too…this is a lovely place. Gotta say i really like the overall design of the site too. It’s different!
@Lovebag Once you get the backstock set up and have three or four gallons of mixed juice on hand it does get a lot cheaper unless of course you are the type that can’t keep you hands off the new mods, I’ve got a friend that’s sending me a tank and some coils because she discovered over the last year she has bought three of them. She is thinning the herd from get this 168 mods and even more atty’s. She always has three 4bay chargers full and a case or two of charged batteries around. Wifey and I get by under $100 every month for both of us on average. The one thing I can tell you is enter every contest you see even if its something you don’t really use or need you might be able to trade it for something you want if not then you can PIF it to someone that is in need.
I haven’t tried a single one of those, I’m sorry. I know some others here have though, maybe they will chime in. I’ve been hearing raves on the cherry pie though and been wanting to try it. But I am on a limited budget and a spending freeze, as I already ordered more flavors from all vendors than I need And I’ve heard a few positive comments on the eggnog french toast, but it hasn’t been out long, so not much feedback yet. And yes, CAP Vanilla WC is very good and goes well with many flavors.
Personally I am sticking to the extracts, it’s the safest bet. However, there are some flavors that are only available in the VG option, and I do order some of those as they are good .So I would say extract first, if not available then VG.
Ugh…good luck you all. Love the real thing, but that is one I don’t want to vape
It is exactly like the sweetened condensed milk…sweet, thick, and creamy! But I’m having an affair with it right now too
Wellllll, I have been mixing for a year this month, and I only have 165 flavors.
I have self control!!! I I am so stronggggggg! Muahahahahahah
Ok, fine. I’m on a budget and broke…but sounds much better the other way Even then I never want to go over 200 flavors…But I also have quite a few I don’t even use. I’m just holding on to them in case my hubby ever wants juice…they are his flavors. But he has only been vaping maybe twice a week for the last 3-4 months, so who know if he’ll ever need it…rofl.
Now stop distracting me, I gotta pay bills and get grocery shopping, surgery in the morning and the family doesn’t want to starve. Spoiled brats