Recipe Critiquing Request

What does the cereal do for a Butterscotch recipie? Or even custard for that matter? I have a captain’s cereal (CAP) I havent used and not sure what to do with. I only grabbed a 3ml bottle so hesitant to SFT it. What are cereals even used for beside cereal?


On the original recipe the mixer says he used it for the corn flavor, this is the recipe it is based on.

I changed up a few things and also tried it without the Cereal 27 but like it more with it included


You’ll see Cereal 27 (CAP) a lot. It’s a corn flakes type and adds a graininess to your mixes as well as corn flavor. For example, I use it in my popcorn mixes. You asked about custard? You’ll also find a lot of custard recipes helped by using some type of bakery, grain. Biscuit (INW) has been paired with custard many a times. In that case it adds a nice buttery biscuit to the custard, enhancing the mix. These are just a couple examples. If you search the flavor on the flavor details page then search what it is commonly used with you’ll find out more. Then you can search the recipes it’s in for some ideas.


Wow, that recipe looks very ambitious if you just “pulled it out of” your…
Not to demean at all, really! But it seems to me if it turns out great it will be by accident, which can happen.
Might just be a little lesson if not.
You appear to be using the higher quality brands, which is great, they make better recipes, but I’ve found that the downside is that they are so “special” they are akin to a Maserati, and can be trickier to manipulate than the more plebian flavor lines. Call me crazy.
Keep at it, let us know how it works out.
I’ve found that much of my success has been from reading more than mixing, following more experienced mixers rather than playing mad scientist, and adapting my successful recipes that I know work into others with slightly different profiles.
And you may be doing that!
I love the comments here.
Everyone seems to enjoy reading about and sharing the struggles of the first 2 years, as they “found their legs”.
So now Im off to make a green apple Jolly rancher for a coworker, a flavor profile I am a rookie at, to see if I can pull a recipe out of my ass that tastes like delicious hard candy. Ironic, no?