Recipe help?

Howdy y’all, first post. Im kinda having writers block, only with mixing. Just wondering if y’all have any input on what recipies I’m able to make with what I’ve got. I do like juices on the complex side, but am open to any suggestion presented. Thanks in advance and I cant wait to see some ideas.

So, for right now, I’ve got as follows

Carmel- Cap
Cake batter dip-FW
Sugar cookie- FW
Ripe banana-Tfa
Blueberry extra - Tfa
Cheesecake graham crust- TFA
Dx banana cream- Tfa
Dx Barvarian cream-Tfa
Dx peanut butter-Tfa
Dx vanilla cupcake-Tfa
Fruit circles with milk-Tfa
Green apple-Tfa
Graham cracker clear-Tfa
Milk chocolate-Tfa
Strawberry ripe-Tfa
Toasted marshmallow-Tfa
Whipped cream-Tfa

Thanks in advance, happy mixing

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Have you put them all in your stash on the recipe side (with the correct names) and clicked ‘what can I make’ - it will return every public recipe that contains your flavours.


I have, the results that yeilded were pretty unsatisfactory. Which is why I’ve posted. I had really high hopes forbthat aswell…

This is a alternate flavor version of the Starbucks Strawberry Smoothie that I enjoy… Maybe it’ll work for you.

Green Apple 1.5%
Whipped Cream 2%
Ripe Banana 1%
Strawberry Ripe 6%

Steep about 1 week.


With that stash, Id try to concoct

peanut butter and banana cream,
Peanut butter biscuit thingy
banana and strawberry cake
Toasted marshmallow and caramel cake

Just a few thoughts.


Another strategy might be to start reading recipes, look for juices you might like based on the flavors used, then buy the flavors to mix it. You might find recipes that you already have most of the flavors. as time goes on check back on [what can i make]. As you collect flavors you will get more and more hits.


If I see one more misspelled BARVARIAN cream…I’m gonna start killing baby bunnies! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: