Need help with some math. The main flavor in this recipe, RY4 Hangsen, is in short supply. Finally found some, but it only comes with 3mg Nicotine already added. So, how do I adjust (lower) the Nic I add in this recipe to maintain the same total strength of 12 mg?
Also, this recipe has 8.15 grams of flavors out of 57.14 total grams. That’s 14.3% (8.15/57.14). Why does the calculator show 16.3%
If you’re using RY4 Tobacco E Liquid - Atom Series, thats a finished e-liquid. You’re not going to be able to mix with it at the normal percentages for flavor concentrates
I agree in that is sounds like you purchased a ready to vape RY4 product already mixed with PG/VG and Nic. I just did a google search and DIY-ejuice dot com/RY4-Tobacco-by-Hangsen-p/han-ry4.htm
concentrate is in stock.