What’s up ELR peeps. I know you are having some issues with the site Lars (@daath) but I just had an issue that really pissed me off. After finally getting back to mixing from an almost year break, I made a few dozen new mixes. All of them started private and I was allowing them to steep, before I made them public.
The other day I tried a mix, The Blue Bavarian, and I really liked it, so I went to my page, unchecked the private box and posted it. Then within seconds, some ass downgraded it. I am getting used to all the downgrading assholes and the people who rate mixes within seconds of posting, but I thought maybe he actually left a comment, so I opened the recipe. I opened it to find my recipe that originally had over 8 flavors in it, now only had 2 flavors at completely different %s?!?!
When I made it public, it was fine and ALL I did was uncheck the private box?? So now I have completely lost a great recipe and I have now discovered a few more recipes have magically changed!
Talk about a great way to make me lose interest in making new mixes!!
Have you seen this yet Lars? I am going to stop using the site and go back to my private calculator. I lost so much, that I just can’t risk it
I just realized it MIGHT happen of one of my emergency scripts restarts the various services to combat overload, causing the recipe not to be fully saved. I just pushed a small change that should ensure that it is either completely saved or completely untouched (in which case you would have to set it public and save it again)…
This tells me that it is even more important that I find a viable fix for these extreme load spikes I’ve been seeing these past 3 days…
Sorry Lars I am at work, so I cant get into the specifics at the moment. When I get home I will tell you which ones randomly lost flavors. The biggest one was Blue Bavarian, which had 2 dif blueberries, pom, acai, bavarian and a couple more I can’t remember. When I looked today it only has acai and Bavarian. More later, sorry
Thanks brother! I thought it was strange because I made the recipe on the 15th and had everything inputted, it was fine and saved. It wasn’t until I made it public a week later that it disappeared
I’m sorry you’re going through all this site BS Lars. It’s not like you needed more to do, hehe.
Flavors can change if they’re not input correctly and get merged, but I’ve not yet seen this one. Nasty lil bugger. Sorry you lost the work, glad @daath is getting you sorted, and good luck getting this all worked out Lars. Let me know if there’s anything I/we can do to help.
I was thinking along the lines of @JoJo if the ingredients in the recipe were possibly merged do to dupes.
What does happen to a recipe if an ingredient within it (that is malformed) is merged to a properly named ingredient? Is the ingredient in the recipe renamed or is the ingredient in the recipe removed because that name is no longer available?
Nah, I did it correctly and how I have for years…
The recipe was fine for a week and it wasn’t until I made it public…
It looked like it was cut off as it went public because the only flavors that were there, were the top 2 in the list.
Either way, Lars sorted it and like I said, I wasn’t making a recipe when this happened, the recipe was already on the site and it was fine, until I made it public a week later
I haven’t had a chance to go through the other ones yet Lars, I’m sorry. Somethin about being a single, fulltine parent, with no friends or family down here to help, that eats up any and all time I may have
nods… I didn’t really think you’d be doing something “strange” with most the ingredients, but it was the first thing that came to mind, so I thought I’d post it anyway.
My second thought was telling you I had changed your recipe because I thought it would be better my way… but I knew you wouldn’t buy into that excuse. Hope they get it figured out, I really like to look at some of the recipes on here and would hate to think I’m only seeing half of it.
I just lost several flavors in a recipe when I hit save, only one remained. Doesn’t bother me though because I’ve it written down, so just for the record.
The irony is, is for years, I would only write my recipes down in my book and only post them if I like them. So this time I decided to use ELR for my new mixes, keeping them private, until I tested them…well, back to the old way, haha
Main reason I use “Juice Calculator” a windows based program for keeping track of my ingredients and stored recipes… then make a backup copy and/or save it to the cloud (dropbox).
As written above, you shouldn’t be able to lose flavors from recipes any longer - if something goes wrong, such as my emergency scripts interrupting your save, it just won’t be saved. This is definitely better than missing flavors.
I really want to implement these changes I have in mind, but tonight I am taking my daughter and a couple of her friends to a concert. I hope the site will not run too slowly in the mean time