Where do you all get eye droppers for nicvape glass15 oz bottles??
What about RF SC 1 oz bottles?
RFSC I have half the bottles that come with great drip top and others dont. All 1 oz, yes 2 different bottle sizes. I find this so annopying.
Where do you all get eye droppers for nicvape glass15 oz bottles??
What about RF SC 1 oz bottles?
RFSC I have half the bottles that come with great drip top and others dont. All 1 oz, yes 2 different bottle sizes. I find this so annopying.
For anything that doesn’t come in a dropper bottle I typically use a pipette. I have a few laying around here and there that I’ve been sent as freebies with orders. I haven’t done this yet, but if there was a flavor I planned on using all the time, I’d probably rebottle it into a plastic dropper bottle.
Hey @Lexie3, that ^^ is what I’ve done with my RFs that I use frequently (except into glass dropper bottles, just because that’s what I keep on hand). I don’t know the answer to your question about finding new tops, but rebottling is probably your easiest solution. The labels on the RF bottles actually come off of the bottles pretty easily, so I just transfer them to the new bottles and use a little packing tape over it if it doesn’t want to stick.
Ok thank you both. I guess I will have to rebottle. I might try an eye dropper top for the nicnapes just to see if they fit., since they are already in glass.
Let me know if that works out. I’ve got them in their boxes for now since I’ve run out of space in the plastic drawers I have the rest of my flavors in. I’ve hesitated to move them since they’re glass, so mixing with them isn’t hugely convenient. Doesn’t help that my “attention to detail” keeps them alphabetized, so getting one that’s in the first layer of the box is a little difficult. Man, I can’t wait until I’m done with school and have some space!
Yes it is very inconvenient, I agree. I even emailed nicvape to ask where i can get some tops. I’ll let ya know if I find a solution for sure
response from nicvape
You could check out containerandpackaging.com. I am sorry but we do not sell those individually. I hope you have a great day!
Nikki Wynn
Customer Service
assuming u mean 1oz so prob 20-400 neck like these 404: This page could not be found
the rf sc ones direct from real flavors are 20-410 and grabbed yorker tops from NR w/ my order https://www.nicotineriver.com/collections/diy-tools/products/twist-tops but u can find elsewhere now that u know the size. GL to u!
Worm, these fit 1 oz? It say on NR site 2-4 oz.
yes,its the neck size that matters. I did try it but i dont use them like that since u cannot do drops w/ a yorker so i use pipettes.
frugal frank is also concerned of wasted flavoring that happens w/ a yorker top, some gets wasted when u open it
I have 100s of disposable pipettes but was trying to find something more permanent and convenient for the sc rf. You are right though, can’t do drops so that would be trading one bad set up for another
container and packaging had a solution, but crazy shipping
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i prefer the pipettes since u getting closer to an average of amount per drop for small volumes. You get the same from every flavor u own this way. Frugal frank always flushes out pipettes after using them too.
I read the bolded as a polite “We don’t want or need your business.”
so for nicvape they just sent me this link… same darn place lol
but i want these tops =/
If you click on this, it should take you to the page. If you scroll down the tips and caps are below.
if u click one u can change the size, ud want to measure the opening of the plastic bottle but neither the 13.5 or 15 looks like it will work, iam measuring more like 14mm across a rf 1 oz bottle
yes, well this is for the nicvape 15ml but its not worth it. the shipping with the 10 small order charge is 31$. I went to the live chat and they said they would wave the $10 fee one time, but still 21$ is just plain stupid for shipping. Its cheaper to replace the whole bottle w tops from amazon
Small order fee:$10.00
Standard Shipping:$21.61
u lost me for a sec since trying to squeeze glass doesnt end well but yes, u are better off buying a set , bottle, tips and caps that u know match since there are may diff size openings and tips. they have standards w/ neck size and threads but not for the tips. Gl to u!