I’m still in a state of disbelief about this, but I’ve actually done it. All this work has finally paid off. I’ve blind tested this latest version and it’s almost identical to my old, steeped version of Django (pre-TPD). I’ve also handed out several bottles to friends who’ve vaped Django for years, and not only do they think it’s accurate, they actually prefer my version to the new TPD approved version. (The new TPD approved version has been reformulated - it’s now 60/40 VG/PG, and is thus a little more bitter.)
I managed to nail the vanilla milk & caramel base from sniff testing my old bottle of Django, and comparing with my iterations. I feel I should apologise, as my palette has become a lot more refined since I started this thread. All that talk of butterscotch in Django turns out to be a load of nonsense.
There’s no butterscotch in Django.
Yup. You read that right. And I apologise for sending everyone off down an erroneous path. There’s a very obvious caramel aroma from the bottle, which also has this anomalous “dark” sweetness, which - when combined with the distinctive Capella Vanilla notes - my unrefined palette took to resemble “butterscotch”, but it’s not. This dark sweetness comes from FA Maple Syrup. I’m 100% sure about this. If you combine a very small touch of FA Maple Syrup with FA Caramel, you immediately get the Caramel with dark sweetness that’s in Django.
Then comes the tobacco revelation. I randomly bought a batch of various tobaccos from Inawera back in June 2017. I single flavor tested all of them, and - as usual with all my tobacco testing and comparisons with the tobacco note in Django, I was almost completely disappointed. But there was one that stood out. Inawera Royal Club Tobacco (also known as Royal Yacht Tobacco). In my 3% single flavour test, there were faint hints that were reminiscent of Django.
Long story short, I ended up figuring out that Royal Club / Royal Yacht is a very weak flavour. (You can verify this from looking at the Polish reviews on the Inawera forum.) It needs to be bumped right up around the 20% mark to get any noticeable flavour.
Once you do that. Bam. It’s Django!
I’m still playing around with the perfect percentage of Royal Club, but I’ve found somewhere around 23-25% is about right, when mixed in with the vanilla caramel milk.
This is essentially the final recipe. If you want a 1:1 clone, use CAP Vanilla Custard v2 at the same percentage as v1 in this recipe, and steep for a month. If you don’t mind v1, you can basically shake and vape this, but it does improve mildly with a 7 day steep.
Django 1:1 Clone
Ingredient | % |
Caramel (FA) | 0.7 |
Maple Syrup (FA) | 0.3 |
Royal Club Tobacco (INAWERA) | 23.5 |
Sweet Cream (CAP) | 2 |
Vanilla Custard v1 (CAP) | 1 |
Mix at 70 VG / 30 PG & Steep for 7 days.