Pretty new to DIY and wondered is anyone has tried to clone ALIEN PISS by Big Bang? I’ve made 4 mixes but still not that close. Any ideas would be great.
Description - Blue Raspberry Lemonade With A Twist
This might be the crucial link…having not tasted it myself I wouldn’t like to hazard a guess! Do you get anything else from it apart from the blue Ras and lemonade?
I could not figure out why you tagged me, then it hit me LOL.
No I will not, nor have I ever pee’d in a bottle. So the original is not my “creation” (AFAIK).
This is tho an interesting looking flavor combination I’d like to try once the recipe is developed. My attempts at cloning a juice were not successful, but I always come up with something that is vape-able, just not the same as the original. Don’t hit me but I haven’t gotten into the coolant additives.
I’m gonna revive this thread.
Because I am on the hunt for a blue raspberry lemonade. I bought some at my local B n M. It’s an in house juice, and they are private people.
Anymore ideas for this topic?
Okay confession time, I took time to read some of the br threads. Upon reviewing it further there is an awesome compilation of notes and thoughts already. My bad gang!