…like the title can anyone help me to clone “Dunk’d Vanilla Cookie Milk” …???
This recipe has a creamy cookie flavor. Its awesome.
Ella's Shortbread Biscuit
Ingredient | % |
Acetyl Pyrazine 5% (TPA) | 0.5 |
Biscuit (INAWERA) | 1.5 |
Sugar Cookie (CAP) | 4 |
Vanilla Custard v1 (CAP) | 2 |
Vanilla Shisha (INAWERA) | 1 |
Flavor total: 9%
Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!
thanks for the recipe… Robin have you ever taste dunkd??
Its helpful if you include some more info. What does the juice taste like to you? Have you made any attempts at cloning it yet? If so, what have you tried? The more info you share the better chances you’ll have of finding something close!
No, but that recipe tasted like milk and cookies to me.
Given that the label shows a Nilla wafer being dunked in a glass of milk… I’d be willing to bet that robin’s suggestion is a spot on place to start judging by the ingredients.
Might want to add some condensed milk (depending), but I’d try Ella’s shortbread biscuit as written to start with.
i haven’t made any attempts yet that’s why i did the post …
the juice taste like … Greek Easter cookies
powdered baking ammonia
lukewarm milk
vanilla extract
zest of 2 oranges
flour )
that you have put in a glass of milk without heavy milkiness with a lite butter taste and sweet as much as so you can vape it all day … i might add little cinnamon after …
I’d recommend starting by getting the flavors for a few recipes that sound similar to your juice (like the one that @robin shared) and trying those first. You might find something that you actually like more! Its happened to many of us.
As a general guideline (but definitely not a hard rule) if you’re trying to clone a juice 1:1 (which is crazy hard btw…just fyi) start with the cheaper flavor companies. A lot of ejuice manufacturers use flavor west (fw), the flavor apprentice (tpa), and capella (cap) so I’d probably start there. Store bought juice is also very often loaded with sucralose, so you might want some of that.
Some flavors that I personally recommend for your attempts are all of the ones in Ella’s Shortbread Cookie, FA cookie, Cap butter cream, tpa dairy milk, ooo cream (milky undertone), a butter flavor or 2 (my fave is FA butter), there are probably more but that’s a start. Lol
You might want to single flavor test all of your flavors too, that will help you recognize the flavors easier and will help you figure out what percentages to use.
Good luck!
Another idea…Purilum Nilla Wafer with Milk @ Nicotine River.
Hey Robin,
I don’t have Vanilla Shisha (INAWERA) Do you think French Vanilla will work?
Which french vanilla do you have ?
I have made this, and the Vanilla Shisha works well and is very distinctive and different in the final mix compared to what French Vanilla would be if used, A Vanilla Bourbon or Madagascar may be better suited. If you need to supplement it?
If you ever get some Vanilla Shisha it is used in one of their other recipes as well and I personally prefer this one to the Shortbread version
I have TFA French Vanilla
It should be ok. You may want to start around 2.5 % and work your way from there.
@Steve-o_54 id have to agree with what bluenose said , replacing vanilla shisha with french vanilla isnt the best replacement flave , do you have holy vanilla , fa madagascar, mf vanilla , or even Cap simply vanilla ??? id even lean more towards a vanilla ice cream b4 the french vanilla i tried to look at your flavor stash but its not public
No, I don’t have any of those I guess I’ll just have to buy the vanilla shisha
Thanks you I appreciate the help
i think you will find many uses for it , its a great flave to have in your line up
I don’t have vape Dunk’d Vanilla Cookie Milk but I have eat alot koulourakia (Easter cookie as you call it) mith milk in my life. The main flavors that dominate is the butter with the milk.
So what I would probable do is to add
Vanilla Custard (I have Version 2) (CAP) at 4%
Dairy Milk (TPA) AT 1.5%
and then somethink for the butter taste but I don’t have somthink similar. Any help to find a good butter taste? Acetyl Pyrazine gives a buttery pop corn taste when is about 3.5% but i don’t think that will work for you.
Vanilla Custard have the creamy, egg, and vanilla taste.
Dairy Milk is just a tasty dairy milk.
I will make a test with vanilla custard and dairy milk to see how it is go…