Hello everyone it’s my first post to the forums and I am hoping that some one out there can help me. I was given the opportunity to try ‘Festival’ at a vape expo here in the uk. It’s a lovely really fresh strawberry ( like eating a real strawberry) with a milk background. I bought a bottle but managed to lose the bag during the day so never got it home. I really want to make this for myself as it costs quite a bit to buy a bottle and ship it to UK myself but I just cannot find the right strawberry for it. I have tried most of the regular from cappella, flavour arts, Inawera and The flavour apprentice without finding it. I have wonder flavours strawberry on it’s way to try but wondered if anyone has come across this or has a close clone recipe. I’m desperate to have this in my life!
Yes that’s the one!
It’s not a brand I’m familiar with (I’m also in the UK) but hopefully it’s one somebody else has tried and can assist you with!
There is one strawberry you haven’t mentioned trying and that’s Real Flavors which is a US company but some of their VG concentrates are available at chefsflavours.co.uk. I’ve got some of their super concentrate (imported from US) strawberry steeping but it smells bang on and I know others are very impressed with it. Also - have you tried the Shisha Strawberry from Inawera - that’s another one I really like.
Have you pinpointed which brand they are using for the milk element? This may narrow down your search as a lot of vendors stick to just one brand of concentrate IIRC
Hi Lolly Thank you for your quick reply. I do have the shish Strawberry yes. I tried using the recipe for Mustard Milk and used a different strawberry in each. I believe I have jungle flavours on it’s way too. The background milk element hopefully can be emulated once I track down the strawberry. I’ll take a look at that Real flavours Strawberry and order some in. Think I may have to bite the bullet and order a bottle to use as my guide ( if I can stop myself from vaping it) Was hoping someone had already managed to get a close clone of it
Good luck - I’ll be watching this thread with interest! [quote=“Chilliwidowvapes, post:5, topic:100491”]
if I can stop myself from vaping it
You’ll have to be strict with yourself lol!
haha it’ll be hard to do but I’ll try
I have been just using strawberry ripe, strawberry, and raspberry…
Super Strasberry ©
1% Raspberry (Sweet) (TPA)
10% Strawberry (Ripe) (TPA)
5% Strawberry (TPA)
Flavor total: 16%
Remember to hate it at: http://tjek.nu/r/7e0Q
It’s described as being a strawberry milkshake and ELR has a bunch of those!
that sounds kind of amazing I have to say