[Req] Kings Crest Don Juan

Hello, First post and I apologize if not in the right spot. This juice and one other has been my go to butter pecan pie but $ is getting tight to buy premade. Any recipes to try ? Ive attempted a few from elr but nothing even close.

Another juice I would eventually like to clone is FSUSA Tranquil. Thats a tobacco vape but doest taste a bit like tobacco…and its stock image shows a cigarette next to some sort of flower.

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Can you link us to a page that sells these juices so we can see their descriptions and such?
I actually just used a tiny bit of butter pecan last night in a cheesecake mix. Quite strong stuff. What other flavor notes can you pick out of that one? anything obvious going on to send us on the right track? I would love to make a pecan pie mix.

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http://www.premiumejuicesamples.com/products/don-juan-reserve-kings-crest?variant=22127830983 has more description

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bumpedy bump

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