[REQ] Looking for recipes for a similar ejuice to strawberry yogurt by Uno

Hello, I usually vape regular salt nic but from time to time I buy disposables. My Buddy who works at the local vape shop got me hooked on uno bar. They are like puff bars basically, however I only like the strawberry yogurt flavor in that brand.
Anyone here has a recipes to make it or an ejuice similar to that flavor?

If you don’t know what uno bars are, here is a link of the full product description. Uno bar


It’s a strawberry yogurt, that’s all it said. There are probably more strawberry based recipes in the database here than any other flavor. Strawberry is also notorious because a fair amount of people can’t taste it and it’s actually a mild flavor. It doesn’t slap you like some of the dark berries can. Good luck, you’re going to need it.