This flavor was spectacular, however I havent been able to find it or successfuly order it since my first purchase (living abroad).
I was hoping someone with their keen sense of taste and alchemic mastery could give me a hand.
This flavor was spectacular, however I havent been able to find it or successfuly order it since my first purchase (living abroad).
I was hoping someone with their keen sense of taste and alchemic mastery could give me a hand.
A description of the flavor and/or a link to where it can be purchased that includes a description and what you taste or have tried would help us help you.
I dont think you can find it online for sale. I checked out the supply from Magic vapors and they no longer list it.
I was discussing this with my co workers. We agree it has a butter-pecan, possibly with vanilla custard… with something else on the back end.
I hope this helps. However I understand if this is still lacking in information.
Yeah that is the one!
Sorry I am in living in China so many websites are restricted .
I was trying to get their description of the flavor, but it was useless lol. Below is all I found, but I’ll try to search a bit more
“Just like this amazing flavor, you can taste the rich tobacco flavor with a does of our mysterious magical flavor. This flavor will leave you with a magical and amazing feeling that you will crave for more.”
Yeah, however I never tasted any sort of tabacco.
It is definitely a nutty taste, I appreciate your help though.
If you don’t taste tobacco, I’d go out on a limb and say it may have RY4 in it. That’s one of those that just doesn’t really belong in the tobacco realm. LoL. Although, if it’s nutty, it might be a 555 type tobacco.
It says American flavors, and I’d suspect they’re only using one brand. I’d guess TPA based on the fact that they’re cheap and the selection is huge. For the tobacco I’d go with either the RY4 Double or the DK Tobacco Base. RY4 is more caramel/vanilla and DK is more nutty. Pralines and Cream would kinda have that butter pecan taste. I’ve subbed it for Butter Pecan in Alisa’s Bust-a-Nut before. Vanilla Custard, Acetyl Pyrazine, and Sweetener.
If you want a great juice that’s sweet and nutty and you haven’t already, try Alisa’s Bust-a-Nut. It may go far enough in that direction that you’re satisfied.
Thanks so much JoJo you are an amazing help. Appreciate you taking to to put some though on this and anwer my post.
The mystery tobacco could also be TPA Mild Black… I use this in one of my recipes at 9% and you wouldn’t know it was there (until u try a mix without it!) - mild neutral tobacco… a little bit sweet, a little bit nutty.
Ah, well I will order some of those and give it a spin and see how it turns out, time for the adventure!
You might want to give this link a shot.
Although, it might not be authenthic and you likely have to wait for it (~3-4 weeks). But its worth the try!