[REQ] Mountain oak vapors tobacco flavor and Button junkie vulture punch?

I’ve enjoyed quite a few bottles of Frostbite and Rangler and have never been able to quite place the flavors they use.
Does anybody have any good clones for their juice? I feel like they have the best tobacco notes in the game but they don’t ship to my location and it’s a nightmare trying to get anything like their ejuice.

Rangler for example is like an ry4 with a hint of popcorn and hazlenut. The tobacco stands out and makes it unique and I’ve never been able to make anything close.
Any ideas from vapers who’ve tried or have at least used Mountain oak and know what I’m talking about?

Also, has anybody tried Vulture punch from button junkie? That’s another one i can’t quite figure out. Anybody tried cloning that?

There are 3 recipes for frostbite on the site but they just use anise and menthol, no tobacco. As for the others, no hits :disappointed:

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Frostbite says it is “Tennessee Tobacco and Menthol”. I don’t know enough about tobacco to know what about Tennessee makes it special. I’m guessing some sort of Inawera Tobacco would work since they seem to have the best tobacco flavors. FA seems to have some good ones as well. I have 7 Leaves and it’s nice. :smile:

If you’re looking for an RY4 recipe, I highly recommend @RocketPuppy’s RY4 The AP will give you that popcorn taste and if you want you could use hazelnut instead of vanilla (or with it even!)

Vulture punch says it is custard, strawberry, caramelized brown sugar, and Madagascar vanilla. If I had to try and clone it, I’d go with Vanilla Custard v1 (Cap), Strawberry Ripe (TPA), Sweet Strawberry (Cap), Dulce de Leche (don’t know the best one since I don’t have any), and Madagascar Classic Vanilla (FA). Instead of Dulce de Leche you could try Brown Sugar/Extra (TPA), but I don’t think that will give you the same caramelized taste.

EDIT: Some other places are calling Vulture Punch a pineapple cake type flavor. :confused: Not having tried it, I’m not sure which would be the more accurate. I can’t help you with a pineapple cake vape since I don’t really have anything remotely resembling flavors to make that.

Thank you!

Thanks for the info. I’ll see what i can come up with. I think the dulce de leche is probably what I was missing from the mix. I tried one with the brown sugar and it tasted off. Wouldn’t have thought of dulce de leche so thanks. Very helpful.

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Thanks for the reply. I reckon those recipes are just using the name frostbite. I’ll keep digging and maybe try experimenting when i have some more tobacco flavors. Thanks again.

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I have tried the Oridginal Vulture Punch, and there no trace of pineapple in it…
so who ever says its taste like pineapple cake, must be on crack…or have no taste buds at all

Taste is subjective so if someone tasted that then fair play. I don’t taste that but i can actually see where they might detect a hint of pineapple.