[REQ] Nefertiti by Vaperite (apple, peach, citrus)

Help!!! I want to clone a e-liquid! It’s from Vaperite (Mythology Collection) called Nefertiti. I think it has a green apple, peach, mango and maybe a manderin orange in it. Does anyone know? I love this juice!!!
If you have any suggestions and remember this juice please help out. I really would like to vape this again. Wish the company did not get ride of this line so quickly. Please help me on my journey of finding these ingredients. Thanks.

Wish the company did not get “rid” of this line so quickly.

Here are the flavors I might consider using: Fuji Apple (FA), Green Apple (FW), White Peach (FA), Peach (Inawera), Bergamot (FA), Grapefruit / White Grapefruit (Inawera), Mandarin (FA), Orange Citrus (Flavorah). For sweetener, if needed, I’d use marshmallow and maybe add a drop or two of MTS vape wizard to take the edge off the citrus.

Thank u JoJo. I will try this recipe. Have u tried this juice? What percentages would u use? I really appreciate your time to help me figure this out.

I wouldn’t use all of them necessarily, those are just the flavors in each of those fruit/categories I think might work. I’d definitely go with the White Peach (FA) and Peach (Inawera) combo. A lot of people add another peach like Cap Juicy or Yellow peach. I also like Flavorah’s peach. I love the Fuji Apple but have not tried the Green Apple. I know a lot of people find the Fuji to be a little light on it’s own. I’m a littles less experienced with the citruses. I haven’t tried this juice. Maybe something like


Ingredient %
Bergamot (FA) 1
Fuji Apple (FA) 3
Grapefruit (INAWERA) 3
Green Apple (Flavorah) 1
Liquid Amber (FA) 1
MTS Vape Wizard (FA) 0.05
Peach (INAWERA) 2
White Peach (FA) 2

Flavor total: 13.05%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

I actually have all these flavors, so I may mix some up tomorrow and see how it goes. I don’t have a whole lot of experience with several of these, so no grand expectations! LoL

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Let me know :slight_smile:

JoJo, Did u ever mix up the Nefertiti? Just wondering if it is good. I have not got all my flavors yet. Let me know.

I did, and not loving it at the moment. I actually just mixed it recently so it hasn’t had time to mellow yet. The bergamot is super strong and pretty much all I can taste. I think if I do a v2 I will lower the bergamot to 0.3%, the grapefruit to 2%, and maybe add orange citrus Flavorah. I also added 4% Mango.