I think my mild PG sensitivity has become more severe. I have had a cold and vaping anything is HAAARRRRSSSSHHH.
Like 10 miles of bad road on your way to SthrnMixer’s house harsh. hehehe
I did a very light mix of menthol and peppermint (head cold). just .5% menthol and 1% peppermint both TPA. Straight VG with VG based nic and 3% DW to loosen it up a bit. So that’s a total of 1.5% PG in that mix and I’m vaping it like Twisted 420 at a Ninja Turtles convention. I can pick up any tank or RDA, rip it with any content of PG and …instant 80 grip sandpaper on my throat. Granted this sensitivity may lessen as my cold goes away…(fingers crossed).
If it doesn’t go away Ima gonna be a pissed off grumpy ass puffer.
that’s pretty shitty I hate to hear when someone is down… I hope you start feeling better soon!!!
Just STOP IT NOW. You are no longer allowed to be sick!
There. All better soon.
I get that every now and then. Especially after a day of vaping test mixes constantly. And when I get a cold due to my allergies I get that way. It goes away for me.
On a similar subject I think I found a cure for vapor tongue when I get it. Jalapeno’s Instantly clears it up!
Thanks peeps! I’ll be careful of what I vape on till I’m over this bug and see what happens.
I bet! I have Thai Birdseye peppers that make jalepeno’s look like ice cubes. I bet that would do it too. LOL
I bet they would. I first noticed it when I made some spicy chili with lots of Cayenne and Jalapenos. Vaping tasted better after eating some of it. Then the other day I ate some Jalapenos to see if it would fix a bad case of vapor tongue and after 4 days of no flavor it cured me.
Maybe that is why I have never understood people getting Vapor Tongue. Love Jalapenos and sweet pepper rings as well. Get them both in gallon jars LOL
I bet that’s exactly it. I was shocked at how well it worked.
In all seriousness, i wouldn’t eat a dried birdseye unless there was large sums of money in it for me. Those things are stupid hot. But a jalapeno I’m down with that. Unless they are fresh and have bright green veins of color running over the pepper. Those are HOT HOT HOT.
I love hot food, but not stupid hot. Like one dried Habanero in a pot of chili is almost too much for me.
Ditto that!!!
My stopgap is just vaping unflavored VG until cold is passed.
Or maybe dissolve a sh*tload of menthol in PGA - you should be able to saturate it past 100% (you can dissolve more crystals than there is alcohol). Then use that in pure VG