The thing with flavors is they’re only Generally Recognized As Safe (or GRAS) for use in food. Extensive testing has not been done with inhalation, so we’re kind of in uncharted waters. There are a few chemicals that have people nervous. Diacetyl, acetyl propionyl, and acetoin are the main ones people are worried about, but it’s still not proven what effect these chemicals have at the concentrations we’re using. There are concerns that our lungs are no good at dealing with these substances and that any level is bad over a long period of time.
If you choose to avoid those specific chemicals, Flavour Art has stopped producing any flavors with those. The Perfumers Apprentice (AKA The Flavor Apprentice) has a line of “DX” flavors that has used a different flavor molecule to achieve a similar taste (debateable). And Capella has a “V2” line that does the same thing. That’s all the ones I know, but there are probably others. Here’s a link I just found that seems to say most of what I just said, but also has a little bit more about why these chemicals have some people nervous.
I am also looking for safe cream and caramel flavours.
i have just made 4 test batches of INTERNAL LEAK OF CUTWOOK UNICORN MILK and replaced both CAP vanilla custard and the graham cracker with their V2 versions. I have no idea what the original recept should taste like neither what the real unicorn milk tastes like. I have made one batch with the same amounts, just the V2 versions, and one batch with the V2 flavours at only 50%. I also made 2 batches with Flavorwest vanilla custard instead of CAP vanilla custard V2. 1 according to recipe and one 50%. It is still steeping now but they all kinda smell pretty good already.
I have made this before i knew that CAP NY cheesecake also has diketones though…
But please if anyone knows of any good custard, cream, caramel, butterscotch DIY liquids with safe flavours, please share
My two favorite creams are diketone free – Cap Vanilla Whipped Cream and Cap Sweet Cream. Capellas other creams, like VBIC, Bavarian, and Butter cream are all diketone free as well. I didn’t really care for the bavarian cream though.