Saving straight to public not working

So, when I try to save a new recipe straight as public, instead of private and then edit to make public, I get sent to the main page with an error saying “this recipe doesn’t exist” or something like that. Is this by design or a bug?

I mean, by design if it’s meant for recipes to first be created as private and only afterwards edit them to become public… if so, there shouldn’t be an option to turn it public right on creation, right?


Did you try basic troubleshooting, different browser, clear cache etc?
On another note … why would you create a NEW recipe and save it straight to public? Recipes should be tested, approved and only when you’re really happy about it (after weeks of steeping), you could consider putting it public. There’s so much rubbish in the public database already :cry:


Never had these kinds of browser problems since I switched to Vivaldi, but will try next time I’m making something new.

And on that side note, while I do understand the idea, I’m probably a lazy mixer. I like to share my ideas, but I have never revisited any of them… and I always forget to review them.

Sorry for the rest of the rubbish =( the few bad things I’ve made I’ve left private, the rest I started using the median concentrations (or somewhere near them), so it’s mostly mix and match of flavors =D


Not saying you have to write a review or that your recipes are rubbish, but if you don’t know if a recipe will turn out to be good, what’s the point of sharing it publicly? Everybody who’s searching the database for recipes is a bit overwhelmed with the amount of recipes and a lot of them are just recipes are work-in-progress, a bad mix that sounded good and whatever else. Especially new mixers can easily get discouraged by such things.

If you mix something and only make it public when it’s something you enjoy, then everybody (including the people you want to share it with) will be much more appreciative of your mixes and will actually try them, comment on them, rate them and maybe give you a few tips of what they did with it. Also for yourself, it’ll be much handier to come back to recipes you enjoyed.

You can share recipes privately by clicking on the blue wrench and then selecting “Share this URL privately”.

I don’t know Vivaldi, but I don’t have the same issue with Firefox or Chrome. If you have a website that isn’t working as expected, it’s always a good idea to first try a different browser.


Sharing ideas is one thing.
The forum is a great place for such ideas, as is Discord.

But it seems you fail to recall/comprehend the actual definition and primary purpose of a RECIPE.
It’s a means to recreate a combination of flavors that you enjoyed/preferred enough to write it down, and additionally (for most), have the practice/history of refining it to an even higher level of enjoyment.

Anyone can say “these sound like they would be good together”. But in practice, it rarely works out the way you think they will UNLESS you have put in the time and effort to learn your flavors, and how they work together.

Personally, the only ones that are remotely worth investigation are those that are tested, and concern is exhibited by the creator.

Simply said, if you don’t care enough to follow through or show you enjoyed it, why should anyone else care?


“This is a private recipe” is set ON by default. It never defaults to Public. You have to manually un-check that box then click SAVE to save as Public.


This happened a few times for me @Johnny_Ciocca , and IME, it was always because connection timed out, not because any settings from ELR.


heh, sorry if it sounded that way, I actually didn’t take the “rubbish” part personally! :wink:

Since I started making my recipes using the median concentration, I have never made a single recipe that didn’t turn out as a good one! :smiley: I loved when I noticed that suddenly the median value was being put there automatically, instead of me having to search for them in a new tab!

I don’t feel like coming back to recipes, you know? I started vaping almost 2 years ago (getting there in September!) and making my own juices since Jan’18. For me, it’s all about trying new things - and with so many options, why come back to one I’ve already made, when I can go forward to try a new one? Recipes, for me, isn’t about cloning some formula I’ve bought around, it’s about trying new things, you see?

But I didn’t knew that private recipes could be shared - thanks for that info! I share my recipes with a group of other DIYers here in Brazil. Not all of us use the same sites, so I thought the only way to share with them was making it public.

@delltrapp mentioned timeouts… it could be this, the case. I did notice that the site as whole was slow, taking forever to load the median values on new recipes.

@Sprkslfly I think maybe I missed explaining about who I thought of sharing. But now, in this post, I think it’s clear, right? Both about who I’m sharing my ideas and what is the primary purpose of a recipe for me. My main usage of ELR is for the weight calculations and keeping tabs on which mixtures I’ve already tried, and also sharing what I’ve done with other DIYers around here.

@TorturedZen I think you missed the point. Specially since you quoted only a fraction of the thought. Consider my whole sentence: “if it’s meant for recipes to first be created as private and only afterwards edit them to become public, there shouldn’t be an option to turn it public right on creation”… right? :slight_smile:

Anyways, even if we sidestepped for a while on the subject, thank you all for your attention!


I’m glad you feel that way, I didn’t intend it that way and I know I can sometimes come across the wrong way… diplomacy is not something I can ever get my head around :blush:

Sounds pretty good. I’ll have a look and if I see something that peaks my interest I’ll have a go at it, rate it and comment on it :wink:

Like I said, if you’re happy with your recipes, there’s no reason to keep them private. Go ahead and publish them publicly. If there’s stuff that you’re really not impressed with on the other hand, it would be a nice gesture to keep them private to try and keep the database clean.

Cheers and happy mixing!


Well see that’s the thing. I read the whole sentence and… I dunno maybe it was the way it was constructed that threw me off, so I quoted the part that made sense to me. Of course a day later and now my reply seems out of context. So the question now is do I decrease or increase my meds?


Yes. You may need an increase. Lol.


Decrease the dose ya fuckin’ weed addict


Hmm, ok.

Hmm, ok.