Sciuridae ... grrrrrrrrrr!

That truck made my eyes pop out like that cartoon coyote. All this Tundra talk is making me want another, great truck.

These environmentalists need to take their heads out of there ass. What difference is a soy based wiring harness going to make other than filling up the landfills faster with the replacements from rodent damage? Trying to solve one problem by making a bigger problem.


Yaayy !!!


Oh, sorry to hear this @Alisa ,Hope its covered by insurance, I had a whole family of squirrels make a nest in the back of the refrigerator on my motor home, $1900 damage was completey covered by Met Life Auto, they wrote it up as vandalism. I was told its not so much they like feeding on wires but like mice and rats their teeth grow so fast that they need to chew on anything or their teeth would grow so long they wouldn’t be able to eat. But yeah soy in the wires sounds like a bad idea!


Pitch a bunch of well pulverized Cayenne pepper in with that Peppermint oil spray… sometimes their little snozzes can get over the peppermint, but when their little tongues are set on fire by the Cayenne pepper, they tend to lay off that article. :skull_and_crossbones:


Just saw this on the news,


You could place a rubber snake in an area that won’t get too hot as a deterrent if the spray concoctions don’t help. Maybe a fake owl in a tree? That helps with mice at least.