oh, no… another brand with 250+ flavors and most probably another dozen of .must-haves… where will this end… fingers crossed it won’t be too many standouts. haha (but seriously, i’m pretty excited based on what i’ve found in these few minutes)
I would say the brand is Flavor Laboratories.
AKA Flavor Labs for short.
The website doesn’t have any weight to the brand. So Vapor Flavors is irrelevant.
I’ve also stated on several occasions now that abbreviations are a bad idea anymore (for all but the most common, and ‘original major brands’ that are known worldwide; Cap, FA, TFA…)
The more time passes, the more brands come into being, the more overlap there’s going to be if you abbreviate.
@mikser, would you be so kind as to edit the Jungle Flavors link above to read:
Jungle Flavors / Flavor Jungle
They used to be called Jungle Flavors, and now are called Flavor Jungle. Trying to keep it tight, and bring more people to the flavors the easiest way possible.
I did wonder if they were one of the same company and I’m glad to hear that they are because I thought Flavor Jungle was just another flavour house that wasn’t available in the U.K. Thanks for clearing that up chaps.