Several Members Use Bases... How bout a Thread?

I recently received props for a base and I felt bad about it… It wasn’t mine! I think this will help mixers perfect certain flavors and give ideas for new recipes.

I want to give props to @DarthVapor for his base… twice. One from me and one from…

#1 by spinner, Sep 11, 15:55
This is a great peach base! I’m really not happy with most peach flavors because they aren’t true for me but I played around with these 3 and they really compliment each other perfectly! Thanks pro vapes! or darthvapor or who ever lol Thank you to both of you!

(Base) Peach (Darthvapor mix)

Ingredient %
Peach (INAWERA) 4
White Peach (FA) 2
Yellow Peach (Cap) 2

Flavor total: 8%

Remember to rate it at!

Its all good man, no reason to feel bad about that but I actually find the 3 2 1 punch is better :wink: INW 3 parts,CAP 2 parts,FA 1 part…
But it all depends on the juice too of course

Thank you for the props, even though there was no need PV…now if it said (Base) Peach (Gmix) then I’d be wassup?? lol just playin man :wink:


Like the idea of a base thread. Its easier to set up new recipes if you’ve got a good base to build off.

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