I recently received props for a base and I felt bad about it… It wasn’t mine! I think this will help mixers perfect certain flavors and give ideas for new recipes.
I want to give props to @DarthVapor for his base… twice. One from me and one from…
#1 by spinner, Sep 11, 15:55
This is a great peach base! I’m really not happy with most peach flavors because they aren’t true for me but I played around with these 3 and they really compliment each other perfectly! Thanks pro vapes! or darthvapor or who ever lol Thank you to both of you!
(Base) Peach (Darthvapor mix)
Ingredient | % |
Peach (INAWERA) | 4 |
White Peach (FA) | 2 |
Yellow Peach (Cap) | 2 |
Flavor total: 8%
Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!