That looks like a decent mix, unfortunately I only have one of the flavours. I’m not really sure what you mean by doubling the percentages if you make over 30ml.
What I mean is the percentage stays constant no matter what volume you make. The recipe will taste exactly the same whether you make 10ml or 200ml, assuming you mix accurately.
i think i understand what you are saying…yes if it calls for 1% of blackcurrant in a 30ml batch its 0.30 of a ml, if its 10ml test sample its 0.10 of a ml.?
I’m pretty new to this mixing too but the percentages you have there look kinda low to me. I would say to just double them if that’s what tastes good. Maybe one of the experienced mixers can give their opinion
yeah i understand, but flavour art is pretty strong… start of low and if your taste buds need it stronger yes go double, but you don’t really need it higher under 50ml mix, but yeah 50 and over you would need to double up.
i think his percents are fine , not sure about the rum bc i dont use it , as far as doubling flavor totals if you make more doesnt make sense @DrChud you are completely right regarding this
kinda doesn’t make sense, but as a shake and vape i felt flavours needed to be doubled in a 50ml,
we felt this recipe just worked right like this… when left steeped for while the coconut comes to front, but we liked it better fresh so we never made more than a 50ml at anyone time, but hey that’s how we liked it…
and you could do as you want triple them whatever , what im saying to @DrChud is that he is absolutely right its going to taste the same if you make 30 ml or 100ml nothing changes is all im saying
better to just try it the way it is first… you might hate it, but you might like it, who knows… double, triple it…even cut it in half if it pleases you… it will not bother me…
all im saying is iv’e learned a great deal here, and tried so many great recipes… we taught we would give back something we enjoyed for so long.
lets not get to technical over a simple recipe …it is what it is