Sharing is Caring (STICKY TOOTH)

Ok I just did a test. I measured out with a 1ml syringe (using water) each flavor amount for a 30ml batch. The “flavor” total by weight came to 1.58g when i used the water in the needle, but only .85g when I measured correctly and didn’t use the water in the needle. There ya go!


lol no way… so have i been using roughly double % on every recipe iv ever made hahahahahhaha?


Looks that way… May I recommend getting a scale? :wink:


Until you get that scale… :wink: try this. When you draw up an ingredient, overshoot by a little. Turn your syrnge upside down and give it a flick like a nurse would with a shot. You want any air bubbles to come to the tip. Then depress the plunger until you’re down to your corect measurement. Squirt it into your mixing container and then draw the plunger back up to pull air into the syringe. Then you can squirt the extra flavoring (which was in your needle) back into its original flavoring bottle. Hopefully that makes sense. :slight_smile:

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crazy… ill give this a go later… and fix the % on my recipe…

didn’t realise iv always been slightly over then.


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well so it seems iv been over with each draw with a 1ml syringe with a needle top on, even with out the needle top it will be very slightly over with each draw… so i guess until i get myself a scale and re-figure what exactly iv used with each flavour, i wont know for sure!, so real sorry about that people … the only way is to use a 1ml syringe with the needle top on to try this the way iv been vaping it…

sorry again!

When you get your scale, you just measure what your previous syringe measurement weighs, tadaaa!


% is a measurement of the parts of a whole/100 so 100% of 10ml is 10ml, 1% of 10ml is 1ml.
It will take more ml to mix a larger batch like 100ml but but the % for each ingredient stays the same. if a flavor is mixed at 1% it will take 1ml for a 10ml bottle, but 10ml for a 100ml bottle.
lets look at 33% or one third with the above example. 33% of 10ml would be 3.33% while one third or 33% of 100ml would equal 33.33ml

the chart on the left represents mixing a 10ml bottle and the chart on the right represents mixing 100ml, although it takes more ML of the ingredients the recipes will mix exactly the same except some rounding error while mixing the smaller container and the 2 mixes will taste exactly the same. This is all theory because the curing time may vary some with the 2 containers and measurement is more critical measuring smaller quantities.

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That’s a positive thing though, it will be a lot easier for you when you make your larger batches :+1:

Remember too this is science, but not nanoscience.
If you come close it will be tasty. we are just mixing e juice not mixing rocket fuel. I know many folks who use drops for measurements for all or parts of their recipes. And their juice is tasty and quite consistent.

lol…yep…it is tasty and consistent… just my way with a syringe… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

i understand % just didn’t realise the syringe thing…oops! and how it would effect how others mix, my bad :disappointed:

Not bad, your good, and your a mixer, so you and I will be laughing all the way to the bank. Every vape we take will be a savings of 500% or more :smile: