Has anyone heard anything about Shisha Pineapple being discontinued? I started to place another order and NR & BCF both show nothing. It’s like it never existed. Just seems odd, like it just vanished. Inawera Poland has it in stock.
I shot them an email asking the same thing, I’ll let you know what they say. (Inawera). That is odd, I tried the same thing.
Thanks, i appreciate it!
I saw this flavor mentioned in a NR post on 12/18.
Look for their post that day which contained…“Here is the list of flavors being discontinued from our website specifically,”
I had forgotten about the list. I remember now. Thanks for the reply. Odd BCF has done the same !?
BCF carries a lot of INW Flavors but I don’t ever recall them stocking all of them. Did you ever buy or see it there?
Yes, I’ve bought Shisha Pineapple from BCF.
Bcf did drop some inawera flavors, but that was quite a while ago. Could always msg them and ask if they plan on getting it again.
If not your next stop is probably here:
I can’t vouch for the vendor, still didn’t order there yet, but they do have some good reviews/rating in regards of customer service and overall vendor. Maybe worth looking into, not sure who else does carry that flavor, maybe ecx?
EDit: checked ecx with no results.
Thank you for taking the time for all the info, I appreciate it. I didn’t think of DIY Vapor Supply, i haven’t bought from thrm either.
I can!
No problem at all, glad if you can purchase it still somewhere else, rather having to get it from overseas or reformulate a recipe. Can be quite annoying lol
Sweet, as I said, I do know that vendor does have a good reputation and members here use them, just couldn’t remember who lol.
When BCF is oos they remove the item until they restock, might want to send a email or ask on their VU thread. They answer both fairly quickly.
a good alternative to Shisha pineapple is Sugarloaf Pineapple-VT…to me its a very good pineapple…
Thanks, I’ll do that.
Sugarloaf is REALLY good! I just restocked it, and STILL have some Shisha left. I think there is a very slight difference between the two, I like them both. Thanks for the heads up though!
Love sugarloaf VTA, actually like that one better with just hint of green apple or as a single.
I agree, I first used it as a Dole Pineapple Whip in Vape form. It is Goood !