Simple kind

Some folks think they know me, some even think they have a 1st Amendment right to cuss me so far beyond the 1st that it is clearly threatening.
Some think that they can get away with cussing me because they have done it in a private message, I really don’t care, I am half coon-ass and my hide is like a gator and a croc.
The kids that have no idea what respect is for others, yet continue to receive gifts from others here, may never grow up to understand what life means.
As I approach my 74th birthday next month [9/11] I pray that our residency here on ELR has the insight to continue to understand who is who.
God bless you all,


I want to like this as its a great song, but I can’t really like that someone is treating you poorly.


Well @ozo, I believe that if the people here sit back and really read the posts and keep up with ELR, they will see many true colors of people here shine through. In my experience, I have had the pleasure to interact with some very kind and knowledgeable folks (yourself included) since joining ELR and I hope for that to continue. I am sorry that you have had a less than wonderful experience here, but I also understand your reasoning for this post. You want to protect the good people here in the ELR family from those who may have less than pure intentions. Thank you for that and thank you for being you! You are always praying for those here on the forum, and I would just like for you to know that it is appreciated and reciprocated (by me at least)! Keep doing what you do Ozo and may those, who truly get it and have respect for others, be blessed!




You said it all right there. The younger folks today have somehow come to think respect is not something they need or want to understand. I don’t know if it is the parents that have failed to teach them or the very broken public school systems that have been the cause but sadly most of the younger generation coming up today have lost site of what respect means and why it is so important.

Sorry to hear that this has happened to you but KEYBOARD COMMANDOS are in no shortage anyplace on the internet. As ELR grows sadly so do there numbers but the good folks here will soon learn who they are and eventually ignore them and not feed there need to be confrontational. They may think they are hiding by using the PM system but the truth is there lack of respect shows thru in everything they post.

God Bless my friend and keep doing what you do, most of us appreciate what you do.


There are MANY more here that love you dear Ozo. Don’t you dare get down.
Focus on the rest of us that just give you a hard time for fun! :stuck_out_tongue:


I think it is the media, Hollywood and the likes of it more than anything else. They’ve started their worship of youth a long time ago and the elderly are stupid and irrelevant. :pensive:

What she says :grinning:


Right on than this one is for you


And so is this one


And ya gotta love this one
I know someone that’s 100% coon-ass…LOL


@ozo is this your band?


One thing fo shoo a coon-ass knows how to have fun

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That girl can wear out a set of spoons fo shoo!
I love going fishing in the Venice ,NOLA area .They know how to enjoy life and have a good time , and they will welcome you with open arms as long as you know how to do the same.
Going back there in a couple of months , can’t wait !

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Right on have a good time I need to go visit a good buddy of mine in Red Stick… LOL ( BatonRouge )

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@Rob62 @BoyHowdy

Kick-ass tunes


And this is a good one


Or this crazy Cajun

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Geez, I can tell you some wild shit about this crazy ass son of a saltwater croc Zach.
Zydeco rap music…can’t get much better, eh?

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