Smok Baby Beast Tank Best Coil?

Hi I had the same problem when I first bought my smok al85. I originally had the smok pen v8 so I knew something had to be wrong cause when using sweet liquids although the coils do run through faster it should not burn out in 2-3 days. I talked to someone and they told me to take a push pin and put a hole in the outer part of the coil. A very tiny hole will do it but that allows the liquid to get to the coils inside and they wont burn out so fast. What is happening is the liquid can’t get to the inner coil fast enough to moisten the coils and they are burnt out faster. I could kiss the guy it worked like a charm and I’ve been able to keep my coils without replacing them for a week and a half which is completely acceptable for me!!! Hope this works for you too!


Hi I have a smok baby beast mod but I’m finding the coils are burning pretty much instantly every time, getting no flavour and a harsh hit throat hit. I’m priming, pulling it through before firing it! Anyone else have this problem? I’m using the recommended wattage too! Also I’ve tried many different juices and flavours but it’s the same story…


Maybe there are some tips for you in this thread here.
There’s some tips at the bottom of the thread about piercing the cotton of the coil with a needle so it’s easier for the juice to soak in.


That is a God send peice of information, thanks a million life saver :slight_smile:


When i had one, my coils lasted about 2 weeks. They did require extra soaking though. The flavor, was always meh. I like the tfv8 better for flavor. Make sure you are priming from the inside out and gradually going up in wattage. I used my at 80watts max. Smok kind of exaggerates the wattage on the coil.

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if you want to keep the tank try using the wotofo flow coils in it instead, funny that you askeda bout this because last night i was going to let someone borrow a tank and it was the baby beast and i only hve flow coils and its working out well


heard that the wotofo flow are good coils for the small category

ill add this to the thread and ask mod for merge i would think to Smok Baby Beast Tank Best Coil?


Well I’ve been to the shop today and took some advice to stay away from smok and ended up with a gnome tank, guy tried selling me some new valiant tank that fires up at 80 watt +… My mod only goes to 80 :astonished: the gnome fires between 30 to 70 with the dual coils I have… Any one have any experience with the gnome tank? Any good?