Smok finally gets it right


I just wanted to make everyone aware that Smok finally got it right and they are reversing the BS charges to unlock TC wires. I received a message from them this morning and thought I would share, just in case you missed it-

The email message;


Merry Christmas! X cube II is very popular in market and always get good responses from SMOK users since it was released. In order to repay all users and let users get a better vaping experience on additional functions of X cube II, Smok decided that there is no charge for the added-value service (Ti & SS temperature control) of X cube II from Christmas Day. Both of them will become totally free from 2015/12/25.
For you, who had bought the added-value service of X cube II before, we give away a limitless $5 cash coupon here. You can use it to buy any products on our official website. The $5 cash coupon will become invalid on 2016/03/31.
Your $5 cash coupon code is: value-added
Please follow SMOK, and we’ll try our best to bring you a better vaping experience!

It’s just too bad they can’t fix the other issues people experience…

Merry Christmas fam!!

I will be back this weekend and I will start uploading recipes by the dozens soon!!

Much love!!!

aka Darthvapor


Yeah, I got the same thing. Now if they could just make the hardware actually work or refund the $150 I paid for my mod THEN I’d say they got it right. Until that time, I buy NOTHING branded as Smok.

I’m hoping this comes with a firmware update so I can get their nag-ware off of my phone and erase that terrible company from my mind.

You paid $150 for the Xcube???

Honestly I cannot remember. I bought one of the black ones, pre-order off of Ebay. That may have included that Atty, I am too lazy to go look. But yeah. . .it was WAAAYY too much for that POS. If it worked like it was supposed too it would almost be worth it. . .and it’s the reason I’m not buying Chinese crappola chips anymore. DNA or nothing.

Hey, it was my first high power box mod, I started on a 15W iTaste VTR and went to a mech mod and dripper. Thought I was getting something good, you know.

Correction, you made me curious. It wasn’t as bad as I thought. I was one of the first of the guy’s pre-orders and got the cube and the TFV4 kit for $115 shipped. Now, that would be a good deal if it functioned in TC, but it does not. . .well not in a usable way. It’s like the implemented the control loop in the same software loop as the screen update, so the thing only pulses power to the coil every one second or so. It’s jerky and not well controlled at all. The people after me we’re paying $190 for the same stuff, I got confused.

I’d like to try the 3 coil RBA and the mini. . .but I refuse to give them another dime until they fix these POS devices.

A friend of mine has one with the same issues. It doesn’t ramp up right. Poor guy is always broke and can’t afford anything else. He saved for a month to buy his at $60 I think. So witnessing this I would never buy one. I don’t have any Evolv devices yet, but I will soon. I have heard nothing but good things about the DNA chips. So that is going to be my next purchase.

much love, indeed!

I got that message this morning too ! I will check it out, and Merry Christmas too !