I will take you back to mixing 101 if I have to
*as long as you are willing to learn… I dont mind.
I will take you back to mixing 101 if I have to
*as long as you are willing to learn… I dont mind.
I love learning and honestly I’m having a blast with this!
That is what counts!
That is the best part of learning to make juice… the good the bad and the nasty tastes, make learning even better. Once you get the hang of it, its just like second nature.
More will follow I’m sure. It is truly amazing how much flavor you get from a few drops and I too had to taste to believe. Now I’m looking at older recipes and frowning, thinking what the bleep was I doing?!
I need a new scale by the way, a 0.001g one because these 0.01g scales are just not doing it for me anymore.
I’m learning how to wick the RDA so a little slower than most but I just got to the twisted pretzels and I’m telling you I could even taste the salt on the pretzels if was FREAKING amazing!
Oh yeah. That’ll work. lol
Because wives/girlfriends are always thrilled to hear that “another woman” is responsible for such things… LMAO
Oh my gosh you need to taste the newest one… Frozen pies… oh my gosh… I need a liter of this one…
Why yes I won’t argue with you Will have to get dat one. Profile looks like an anamalgamation of all the stuff I like. Adopted for safe keepin
why yes… I too today will be making a few 240ml bottles of juice.
Oh yeah. That’ll work.
Because wives/girlfriends are always thrilled to hear that “another woman” is responsible for such things… LMAO
I did not do it!!!
I must admit that I completely love the Bourbon Express from SmokyBlue, believe me, it’s a very delightful flavor mix.
I am a frequent drinker, an I enjoy it with my rums, whiskies and wines, because it pairs very very well.
Sometimes I like the booze tone of it, but sometimes I enjoy the fruits on it.
I can say that every vape it’s different, maybe will sound strange, but it tastes different in the morning and at night, for real.
Thank you Smoky for your great mixes!
Oh my, those ones looks good. Is there a way to purchase them from you?
The cookie nut butter and the Bahama bound look really good. . I really need to start entering flavorah’s contests and hopefully win one. so i can make all of your recipes…I may buy a few from chefs UK. The prices seem pretty reasonable, compared to Bull city.
I do know ecx was having a sale… not a clue what is left… Gremlin is yet another I would check in with… I do contests both here and on FB on both my page and the flavorah fan group… there is a coupon here on elr for flavorah too…
both of those juices have pretty good reviews, and if you want to talk more… just inbox me
I didn’t know about the one shots I just bought & mixed her Lemon Tart Pie recipe yesterday. Can’t wait for the 3 day steep! Mixed 60 mls.
I might have a couple things in the works, @Heart I will wait to see how and what I think of it all.
Sounds great! Can’t wait to hear.
Where did you buy it?
I completely love the Bourbon Express from SmokyBlue
Why don’t you show it some love and give it a rating and comment
Whenever I like a recipe, I think it’s the least I can do and the more recipes accumulate ratings, the better it is for everyone using ELR.
I really need to start entering flavorah’s contests and hopefully win one. so i can make all of your recipes
You’ll need to win a contest kinda like @Chrispdx did. Last year he won the complete line. With the amount of different concentrates, buying or winning by the dozens will still leave you with missing flavors every other recipe lol. It’s so crazy!
The idea of these one shots is great though, try before you buy is a safe bet because you won’t like every single flavor or recipe and creating a FLV stash isn’t exactly the cheapest investment. Would be nice if Smoky could arrange something with one of the UK shops.
To me, those contests are more like someone opening the door to the rabbit hole. Have a little taste, get hooked and start ordering.The amount of good recipes coming out certainly gives that extra push.