Special request for fruity recipes

Typically, in terms of mixing and vaping, my modus operandi revolves around desserts…creams, custards, peanut butter and butterscotch. But a few weeks ago, I put together a coupla fruity recipes and now I’m kind of on a fruity kick…
This post is me reaching out to you guys/gals for some favorites you may wanna share with me and lessen my burden of sifting through thousands of recipes that are listed on this site…
I have quite a few flavors to choose from and wont hesitate to order more…I throughly enjoy mixing and will gladly offer feedback…
I hope Im not being too lazy or asking too much, lol
Thanks in advance

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Fruit and Custards works. Here’s one of my faves

Stolen Watermelon

Ingredient %
Brown Sugar (TPA) 3
Double Watermelon (CAP) 4
Malted Milk (TPA) 1
Marshmallow (TPA) 3
Pear (TPA) 4
Vanilla Custard v1 (CAP) 4

Flavor total: 19%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

I have TPA watermelon… Can I get the same results with that or do I need to add Caps to my stash?

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Here’s one that’s been successful for me and others:


I’m currently working on a fruity mix.

Strawberry Ripe TPA 8%
Juicy Peach TPA 5%
Apple CCW 3%
Vanilla Custard V1 CAP 2%

You can replace these with your chosen flavours but it would need tweaking to get it right.

It’s a Strawberry and Peach prominent vape with hints of apple and vanilla on the exhale.

It’s still a WIP at the moment though.



Um, uh, whats CCW?

Cupcake world. They’re a UK flavour Manufacturer.

I have a few of their flavours already.

@Amy2 was looking into their flavours a while back.



Never had it so I don’t know about the taste or strength. But I can’t imagine it would be stronger than CAP Double WM. So if it were me I would make a test batch subbing the TPA WM and see if it’s good.

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gotcha, brother, will do…
i’m almost done with my running around i gotta do, then headed upstairs to the lab…got some mixing to do!

Made…now some steep time

Made…now to steep…
P.S. I have a daughter named Storm Breez

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Haha… that’s perfect then. I hope you enjoy StormChaser.

I named it after my Meteorologist husband… His dream is to be
a fully equipped Storm chaser.

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one if the my most favorite recipe is Spiced Honeyed Apricots
Serve over plain Greek yogurt or vanilla frozen yogurt. Any leftover syrup is delicious stirred into iced tea.Ingredients: water, sugar, honey, orange zest, cinnamon stick, star anise pods, apricots, lemon juice