SS clapton wire for MTL tanks

Seen some discussion on using Vandyvape superfine wire having bought a number of MTL tanks I am looking g to built some SS clapton coils. Would like to be in the region of 1 ohm but do not think I can fit more than about 7 wraps. Anyone had any experience with building such coils. Have looked at 28 x2 plus 38g but don’t know if this will fit in Ares, Siren 2 and True tanks.


I need to take a look when I get home tonight. I have a tiny baby alien in my ammit mtl rda, it’s the only “mtl” rda I have, and it’s not even mtl. But it’s the one with the smallest deck, which should be close to your siren.

I think I used 30 or 34g for the cores and 38 or 40 for the wrap. I’ll check tonight. I’m new to building my own coils, but my point is, I doubt a 28g will get you close to 1 ohm with ss.

Even my baby alien reads at @0.59 with 6 wraps, 3mm id.

The regular aliens I make are 28 core with 38 and sometimes 40 wrap and only ohm out to 0.40

I do believe but again don’t quote me on that, you would need to use more likely gauges 30-36 to get you as close as possible to 1 ohm, if sticking with SS.

Maybe easier to give kanthal a try if you’re not married to stainless, just because ka1 is already higher in ohms to begin with, in comparison.

I never tried the vandy vape spools, because I don’t trust wires that come out of China but if you’re not worried about that, maybe they sell them in kanthal or you can find a ohm chart for the wires, some vendors do display that with these “ready to go” wires.


Made an error in my question should have said 32g x2 with 38g wrap.


Jim feed in all your variables and it will give you a close estimate for your finished coil


Npt sure about the other 2 but the siren 2 should be fine.
I am using 2 x 30 with a 38 wrap 3mm id and still space fore more. A 2.5 coil of your one should fit for sure and 3 would must likely be fine


Sorry for my previous reply… there are quite a few variables and you haven’t said anything about inner diameter and stuff, so I was making assumptions that I shouldn’t have.
Just do like woftam suggested, look at steam-engine and play around with the variables. There will be some configuration that will work for you.


FWIW I’'ve used SS 28ga in my siren2 and 10 wraps 2.5ID comes in at 1 ohm-ish and just about fits if you make sure its absolutely central on the deck. TBH I didn’t feel any difference so I went back to kanthal.


Thanks for reply. I am still undecided about ss Vs kanthal will keep on trying to compare. Your reply made me realize I will never be able to use the superfine ss that I was looking at, it will never fit.


Not sure why, but I keep having problems with TC and the vandyvape superfine ss316l wire. Maybe just my batch.


On a regulated mod I don’t feel like you should worry too much about targeting a specific ohm really unless it’s for not going over your amperage battery limit.
IMO resistance isn’t all that important it’s the mass and size of the coil, and airflow.
It maybe even less important if your using temp control.


Smaller wires are harder to TC properly, it might have more to do with your mod.
what you vaping on?


I use an eleaf Pico 25*, it deals fine with .4 mm simple SS wire. If anything smaller wire should be easier as resistance is higher and heat is more uniform. If does change resistance faster though, you are correct. With the right kind of power for TC you can control the last bit.

I’ve put it more to random resistance or mixed material, or a roll of nickel wire sent instead of SS.

  • I have others but these seem to be just perfect for me.

It probably dosen’t matter as much anymore because we have much better equipment but early TC chips had difficulty doing TC with small wires, especially with fewer wraps.
I Guess less wire = less information. but it’s very mod dependent.

Jim if you insist on a target ohm go to