Seen someone post other day that they loved creme brûlée by at inawera as a stand alone at 3%. Since I received my small MF order and started single flavor tests and realized that some of these are incredible like that I was wondering what else is exceptional as a stand alone. I tried at least 60 TFA cap flavors when I started and was disappointed with everyone of them. That was when I started mixing. Necessity being the mother of invention. Raspberry, caramel, honeydew melon medicine flower, right off the bat are shake and bake with amazing flavor. Though I am hoping with some steep I will be able to reduce %. Anyone else amazed by any single flavors please let me know
Someone here was really fond of Lemon Cake (Inawera)
If you like menthol, then Mentholyptus (DV) is stellar!
As a stand alone I like FA’s Oba Oba at 7% you get a creamy tiny bit of citrus and somewhat of a cream soda effect.
Also a recently released FA one I liked as a stand alone and haven’t really liked it that much in a mix is FA’s
Monsoon at 2-3%.
Cap’s Cinnamon danish swirl to me is pretty good at 10% all on it’s own then I added 1-2% cream don’t remember which type.
FA’s Forest Fruit very good on it’s own I believe I liked it best around 6-8% it’s been a while.
I really like Inawera’s sparkling wine at around 4-5%. Flavorah’s Chocolate Deutch is pretty spot on german chocolate cake at around 2-3%.
That was meeeeeeee. I vape a LOT of INW Creme Brulee . Love the stuff.
Another one that’s pretty good stand-alone is the One Stopy DIY shop’s Lucky Shot. But
it IS a blend.
Oh, and I can definitely agree with JoJo on the FLV Chocolate Deutsch. Wonderful stuff.
MF Watermelon…FLV WildMelon…I second Amys’ FA Forest Fruit…FA Hypnotic Mist…and more…
I have flv wild Mellon, can u suggest % range? I like strong in your face fruit flavor. Also, what have you found with steeping time with this product. Thx
[quote="Amy2, post:3, topic:51118, full:true
Cap’s Cinnamon danish swirl to me is pretty good at 10% all on it’s own then I added 1-2% cream don’t remember which type.
2% Vienna cream or Catalan cream? I have Italian cream as well. What would you suggest? Mixing day today
Well Catalan cream has a cinnamon accent to it and we both know CDS doesn’t need anymore cinnamon hee hee so I’d go with Vienna around 2%
It will depend on your vaping devices…I mix for MTL mouth to lung hits…and smaller Clearomizer tanks (with small replacement coil)…also a Goblin Mini RTA…Also your PG/VG ratio will play a role in your flavor percentage…My first mix was at 8% flavor in a 40/60 PG/VG mix at 14mg/ml Nicotine…I frothed it and let it sit open for about 10 hours…Capped it and steeped for 4 days (my shortest steep ever for as potent of a flavor)…The flavor of the vape was OK in my Clearo…but when I put it into my Goblin Mini…flavor blew the roof off …as I am a bold flavor chaser… Too long of a steep and flavor fade will occur…It did get sweeter after a couple of days, but was still a fantastic in your face flavor experience…I also believe that there is still a little room to increase the flavor %s here, and my next blend is gonna be at 10%…I really want to make this work in the Clearomizer, as well…One thing that really dictates flavor production is the surface area of your coil/wick set-up…and the power at which you vape at…I have an I-Stick, which I use at between 10 and 15 watts…If you are Sub-Ohming, dripping, and such, at high power, you may be able to lower your flavor %s…but I cannot speak to that for sure…I had a nice conversation with the Owner of Flavorah, and he verified to me that these flavors do indeed perform well with shorter steep time, and I can attest to that…They smell super clean in the mix bottle, and vaped extremely clean, with no harsh notes, whatsoever after my 4 day steep and the flavor was blossomed very nicely…A very special vape experience…Flavor also lingers in your mouth, nose, throat for some time after your vape session…Nice…I got a recipe blend now going with the ingredients Flavorah Orange Citrus at 10%…FA Vienna Cream at 3%…FA Fresh Cream at 1.5%…Flavorah Sweet Coconut at 3%…and Capella Marshmallow at 1%…Gonna give that mix about 8-10 days for my first test. As I whiff it daily, I can smell the creams starting to blossom…Gonna kick some citrus ass…
…So I would be curious as to what devices you are using?..and your PG/VG ratio and nic?..Mouth to Lung? OR Direct Lung hitter?
Doug, OMG you’re 1 crazy dude FLV Orange Citrus @ 10% WOWZER hee hee I see you have your creams up pretty high so it may can take down some of the bite that the orange citrus gives off. It’s a wonderful flavor but to me I can only use a drop or two in a mix or i’ll cough until next week and my chest will BURN like it’s on fire. I hope you don’t have any of this, you’ll certainly want to give it plenty of froth and cap off time. I bet for those who love citrus and tolerate them well this will be a delightful creamsicle.
It’s a shot in the dark…lol…Who knows? least it will give me an idea…couple of ml of flavor…As you know, I am a flavor chaser…If I have to dial it back a bit, I will at least know the extreme …and still have enough of the flavor to re-do…I’m tweakin’, so to speak either way…
Oh yea all you’d have to do is increase the batch size and that’d bring down your ratio of the orange citrus and you could build back up the % for your creams and such. Not everyone is as sensitive to citrus as I am. I bet it will be fabulous when you figure out the code !
Thank you Amy, I will keep you posted…gonna be kewel…
I know it will be !!!
Rebuild ambles mostly, rdas 60-80w Clapton wire. Couple griffin tanks with Clapton can’t seem to go above 55w with them. Have 2 tfv4’s I’m trying to get to work, best I’ve come up with is a build allowing 40 w …still playing with it all
So you’re running high watts, and direct to lung hits, I imagine?..You can prolly go lower than 8% for your RDAs…You didn’t tell me what your PG/VG ratio and Nic level is…that makes a difference, and I would only be guessing…Flavorah website suggests 2 to 5%…Rather than give you a bad advice based on little information, I will make another suggestion…Do a search on this site for your flavors in question…I know personally of some who vape the FLV Wild Melon who are on this site…click on the recipes then click on the Wild melon flavor in the recipe…it will take you to a section in which people share their percentages in recipes and standalone percentages…which can give you ideas…I also cross reference mixers who mix in the PG/VG percentages that I do and check out their flavor %s and it gives me a starting point…although some of my %s, as I experiment, are creeping a bit higher…Also, I go to websites who sell the flavors I am using and check out the reviews from purchasers of those particular flavors…Many of them will mention the use %s for that flavor…I also go to other forums and do searches …I also Google search xxxx flavor percentage suggestions…But the bottom line, boils down to experimentation, and a lot of juice going down the toilet…I don’t want to give you any definite suggestions based on the fact that I don’t know enough about your vaping mixing and style…I will say this, Generally those who use 3mg/ml to 6mg/ml Nicotine in their mixes (there are exceptions), they are often Sub-Ohming at high watts with Direct to lung hits…any thing over 3 to 6mg/ml of nicotine in their mix is gonna blow them away with too much Nicotine… …I am at 12 to14mg/ml…Flavor intensity kinda acts the same way, and usually their flavor %s are a bit lower…And some simply prefer light flavored vapes…I would hate to recommend higher flavor percentages, then to have you have a bad experience with that based on techniques that I am not aware of that you use…Research, but more importantly, experiment…Mix a few different Flavor %s and vape em…You may discover something that really sets you up to become a good mixer…cuz right now, bro, that’s where I am at, in the experimental stages…Get a load of the conversation in the posts above this that I am having with Amy… It’s all good, and I am glad to have her as my friend here…
Have you tried any of Inw duets?
No, I haven’t. Have you?
I’ll be honest, I’m not a fan of single flavor mixes. It’s like throwing a party and your the only one there. I have tried one recently, moonson FA, it was ok/good…but it wasn’t a party. When I can get my hands on the next new FA cake flavor that will start out as a single flavor test.
So typically I approach single flavors tests as double flavor tests. Mix a fruit with some fresh cream, mix Tabbaco with a bit of vanilla and caramel, or anything with Vienna cream FA. It’s still simple enough for me to start dreaming about layoring flavors and still enjoyable enough to finish the test bottle.