Starting a new e-liquid business

Well when you are using others recipes and they upload that said recipe for you to use to profit in return pay them you are in business together. Do you even have a proof of concept on this business plan. And all websites that sell e liquid have sales. You can buy 200ml of fallout juice for £15 and on sale its 200ml for £20 just saying. Thats your job to look at all the e liquid sites in the eu and uk to see this. Its your business model not mine. You have already priced yourself out of the market. You are not a high end brand regardless with what concentrates you use. Mark cuban would laugh you right out of the idea. You have no proof of concept. You have no proof of customer acquisition. You have no strategy thats feasible to reward your creators. You have no idea what the running costs will be. You are years away. Btw you are 10 years to late to the party. Maybe 5 years. Many people before have tried. You won’t be the last


Look im not trying to be rude im trying to save you all the lost money. You are just flushing it all away. When it fails and you out so much money your head will spin, you will still need to pay out the creators after it folds. It wont be full owed but a partial of what’s owed. Then there will be people suing you. You will never out do all the major players. You wont get a slice of that pie. Like i said use all the money you wont to burn on this idea and start creating your own and start hustling when you got bang on recipes.


And as to your previous comment to my royalty being taken by someone else. No because those recipes are not public so they have no idea how i made it. So good luck to them. But i signed a contract ( a legal document) so as long as they sell it i profit as do they. I signed a NDA and the recipe is now off elr and the company has possession of it. Because of the contract i have they cant cut me out. They can make a one time buyout but thats it. Buddy you will not succeed but good luck to you


Let’s assume that you actually meant 100ml for £15 and 200ml for £20. when not on discount, it’s almost identical to our pricing! and on sale, well we can run sales too. So even the single example from a single brand that you have given here, is contrary to your point. And again I guess you have not read parts of my posts. Having read what you have to say, You could be a person who watches Shark Tank and think they’re suddenly a business magnate, or maybe you have a point somewhere in there and I can’t see that. Regarding your recipe and whatever arrangement you have with them, is irrelevant really, since you can’t share any info, which is fair enough.
But I’m sure your intention is to help, so thanks.


Sorry its 200ml bottle for £15 on sale its 2x200ml for £20. So its not close in comparison my error


And no i actually tried to set up a business and after a year getting the finances i realized by the time its all said and done id be bankrupt. I ran through all analytics to do it and the concept was good but finding the location was brutal. And all the licenses i needed and equipment needed id be in the hole almost 450k. So i made the decision knowing it could be successful it would be years before i was profitable if i got the cliental. But location was key and it never happened.


Oh ok, well that IS hard to compete with. There is also which is £1 for 10ml.
The data I have shared is based on 3 vendors on top of google search result. Then I sorted their eliquids based on popularity. These most popular brands are priced at £3.99 for Club Juice on and and £2.95 for dinner lady. now whether they are actually the most popular ones or maybe they sneak in promoted products I don’t know. As you can see their prices are much higher than ours. Now I know, they already have huge consumer base and lots of money. but comparing product to product I really believe what we offer is superior, given that you know what is in your eliquid, but also being able to adapt it. So I don’t think our pricing is unreasonable.


Sorry to hear that. better to be disappointed than 450k in the hole :grinning:
I only need about 10k in total to start the company, including about the £4000 I have already spent. At least I think that’s how much I need.


Also, the recipes always belongs to the mixer. even when they delete a recipe, it only goes to a “deleted category” in their recipes. and if that recipe is purchased, they will get the royalty. but a deleted recipe will no longer be promoted.


Thats where it gets difficult. Unless you have a legal document stating that they will lose all rights once they upload it. In your model you will be a business partners with mixers. You need that legal document to lay out the royalty aspect. If there is no legal document signed with two parties outlining the partnership and the agreement you and the mixer are entering in, you can easily walk away with everything. It is not going to be easy as you think on that end. You are gonna need way more then 10,000. And if you believe thats all it will take you are doomed again. Your in at 4k now now add another 5k for concentrates. Leaves you 1k to launch. You fail to make money to pay rent you are out of business in 6 months. Which is the most common business failure time line. Sorry you wasted 4k already. Rule of thumb when starting a business have 5-10x more money in the bank to cover the losses in the first 6-12 months. Basic business school learning. First two years of almost all businesses lose money. But they have working capital to keep the doors open.


Good point. I have the loan option too, I can get 4k at 6%. And I have 700 flavour concentrates which I think adds up to about £2100 at 50ml each. So it actually leaves me with about 7.9k. Wasn’t sure if I should get a loan for now, but I’ll definitely look into it and start the loan application asap if need be. I have also got an office for which I have paid two months in deposit plus first month in advance starting from January but the landlord said I can move in any time from December at no extra cost. My rent is 475 a month. So including the loan, that should leave me enough capital to get me through 1 year even selling nothing. If there is no huge cost which I have not taken into account.


So you already bought concentrates? And why would you do that now? And there is no way you got 700 for £2100. Even on wholesale sites the concentrates are still £7 for 100ml. And thats Capella and TPA. Flavorah vape train Flavour art are £11 and up. If you bought all 10 ml bottles of concentrates you are ruined. You will be playing catchup and you will fall behind on orders cause you are constantly running out. But you don’t buy these things until you are a month before launch.
What is your plan for customer acquisition? You have to prove people will choose your site over others. And what will make you better then all those other brands? You have never said you have a proof of concept. What is going to separate you from 88vape and one pound eliquids. A lot of online sellers sell those for 75p a 10ml bottle. You really needed to find someone with business start up knowledge. Have you built your website yet or had a plan for one?


Where did you buy your concentrates from? All wholesalers i checked only sell 100ml and up. Id love to know as id buy from them at £3 for 50 ml when i do my next big order


Well since last night, I have been hoping you can answer that question!

But based on what you have said a 100ml bottle should cost you at least £4, assuming 20ml of flavouring and given your surprise at the prices I’m getting my concentrates at. And of course if you get them in 10ml bottles, it’ll cost even more. And how I manage to keep the whole 700 around 2.1k, I would rather not share that. Although that’s an estimate, and it might be a bit higher but definitely less than 3k.
And regarding your questions about customer acquisition plan etc, well of course. I have to do all of that as part of the business plan. I have read a couple of business books before starting this you know? :slight_smile: I am not going into this completely unprepared. It is not the greatest business plan in the world, but hey… a business plan nonetheless.


You know I’m all for transparent companies and stuff, and this secrecy has nothing to do with anything specific to this but you know overall, I would rather not share an info if it’s not necessary, just in case I am unintentionally giving away trade secret etc. but for example, as I said, I have no problem sharing income statement since that’s maybe necessary for mixers to trust our stated profit.


I have a idea. And if it is who i think it is, you might want to get a list of the bb dates. Because they never put them on their 50ml bottles. But you said you already have them and you don’t even know what the actual cost is. So now I’m skeptical. If i bought 700 items i would know the actual cost. I don’t think you actual bought them. And what i get vg/pg and 72mg nicotine (not shots) it cost me £1.33 to be exact. And i don’t use 20ml of flavoring in any vape i make. Cherry cola only cost me 93p for 100ml lol

Not much in that. And not every recipe has 20% flavor in it to be good. But again i don’t believe you and therefore you can’t be doing with business with someone who isn’t truthful. I don’t trust you at all. I think you are ttrying to profit off this community and thats it. You should be banned from elr so you dont steal recipes to profit it off it. Cause that is shady and wrong


Whether you have bad intentions or you’re just pathologically cynical, don’t know, don’t care. But if I was to guess I think you’re the type of person who goes to a restaurant only to give waitresses a hard time. an average person would have nicely asked me to clarify, rather than weaveing up a conspiracy and invite people to destroy someones livelihood. And sure, do not put any recipes there if you don’t wish to.
But still I’m going to answer your question and any more that you may have, but if you can ask them with courtesy rather than a pretext to attack.
I have not purchased the recipes. Never said I have.What I meant is I have 700 flavours in mind that I am going to stock which I think adds up to about 2.1k. The context was how much money I will need.


No you said you have. All im saying is you can easily snipe them off elr without any reimbursement. And i only complain at restaurants when the food is bad or wrong. Your story changes on the fly. You adapt it in a way to make yourself look more respectable and trustworthy. Btw mixing up on the go and shipping after you force steep won’t work all the time. And point being i use to buy a 80/20 mix of a flavor from a shop i use to buy from. And i got it 3 days after i ordered it and it never tasted as it did when i bought there fully steeped item. I don’t trust you at all. And the fact you tried to tell me what it cost me is laughable. When you buy 5litres of vg at £7 and a litre of pg for £3 and 500ml of nicotine for £28 the cost is way cheaper then your model. I buy concentrates that are close to bb dates knowing i will use them. Literally i mix for a friend and with bottles and i what i mix it costs me £1.67. He gives me £2 for the bottle to cover my costs. If i decided to sell to others id charge £5 for 100ml putting me at just under 300% profit. But like i said before i will make more money next year off of royalties then you will by doing your concept. And ill be making more in 2023 when you are out of business. If you are going to start your business you need all the money staying in the company not paying out to others. Therefore instead of using others recipes make your own. You have been on elr for 3 years you bought concentrates but never took the initiative to make your own. Building a business off others hard work is unethical. And it is WRONG!!! But hey good luck to you, you will need it.


This week on dragon’s den (shark tank for you yanks)


Good thing that I don’t mind at all. You will probabely stick your to your prematurely formed opinions even if contrary evidence stared you in the face. but you know? People mostly interpret others intentions based on a projection of their own morals and ethics. Just saying. and probably others who are reading this have already heard enough to have an opinion of both of us. But to answer your “questions”:

Your story changes on the fly. You adapt it in a way to make yourself look more respectable and trustworthy.

Again great job with the baseless attacks :+1: but please do elaborate.

I am not saying creating a recipe is easy either. but I am assuming that you don’t consider that my work over the last 14 months or so has also been hard. And who am I to tell you otherwise. your wisdom is clearly boundless.

Not sure what you mean by force steep but if you mean using something like an ultrasonic cleaner and hut bath, I am using a homogeniser.

Not everyone buys 5 litres of PG and 500ml of nicotine or 50ml of concentrates or has only 5% of concentrate in their recipe. In fact the top 100 have an average of about 15 if I recall correctly. I have never bought more than 10ml capacity. And you seem to constantly miss the point that our customers will probably mostly non-DIYers and again I repeat, they are mostly paying £2.49+ for 10ml and £8+ for 10ml. Of course there are the likes of OnePoundLiquids. so yes I most probabely have to adjust my prices and I have talked about it further down. But also for example It personally cost me more if I just want to try say 10 recipes. I have to buy the flavour ingredients for all of them at 10ml because I don’t want to waste more money in case I don’t like the recipe or the ingredients. And I this way don’t have any left over. Now maybe I am not doing a great job planning my stash in a way to decrease cost. So your example is very specific and you have purposefully chosen an example on the low side. this was originally my thinking for starting this business. Because I really wanted a product like that and I am definitely willing to pay these prices, as I before going DIY. And I still hope that there are a few semi-DIYers who feel the same way. As initially I hope to get customers from here.
The last few days my web developer has been working on product pricing and I have had to think about it more. Right now as it stands, I am thinking a minimum of £1.5 and maximum of 1.8 for 10ml. And minimum of £6.5 and maximum of 8 for the 50ml, depending on what and how much concentrates is in there. Plus maybe 30p for each 10ml nicotine shot. I will no be making any profit from the nicotine. All profit is from eliquids. In fact I might initially lose money on the nicotine since I can’t bulk buy enough to get them as cheap as what I will sell them for. So customers can’t purchase nicotine separately. It is automatically added to the cart. Although you can remove them from the cart if you already have enough leftover nicotine at home or you buy your own nicotine. All of this still is subject to change and depends whether my web developer can implement them in the given timeframe.