Starting a new e-liquid business

I’m astonished that you’re still on about this.
Let’s say you use a recipe of mine. How will you pay me?
Do you see the issue? It’s right there! Why would you pay me? You are in the UK and I’m in the US. You’re not going to pay me. Why on earth would I trust you to tell me that you sold one of my recipes? You’re on here announcing that you plan on poaching recipes and you’re looking for people too lazy to mix for themselves as your customer base…on a site where we’ve all spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars on flavors and equipment, and you intend to use our collected knowledge for your own profit. Yet you don’t seem to understand why anyone would be skeptical. We’re you planning on asking permission each time and waiting for a response? No. You weren’t. You were planning on making some easy dough. There’s this whole website that’s a free R&D department for my new company! Why on Earth would you imagine that anyone would trust you? How can you possibly imagine that people will continue to share recipes if you’re just going to steal them? I wasn’t really expecting to make a mixing business out of quitting smoking, but I’m sure as hell not making YOUR mixing business. You could potentially damage efforts to share, like this site. You should totally drop this and find a more ethical business venture.

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Imagine having explained these things sometimes twice already. And still some find it necessary to give labels before even reading every reply. I honestly don’t get it. You too will not give respect if you aren’t getting any in return. Many people will much longer history on elr have asked me these questions without feeling the need to attack first and ask questions later, and I have extended the same courtesy to them.

As mentioned before, royalties are paid using some form of cryptocurrency. potentially many of them. My developer says there are already WordPress plugins for that. why would I pay you? again, you can purchase one of your own recipes, from any account. and then check whether you receive an email stating that your recipes has been purchased. I can surely not cheat this system. because every mixer can verify it. Now if you think I can cheat that system, I am more than happy to hear how. So I can change it until everyone is happy. If you find a loophole than I can use to cheat mixers
and I don’t fix it. then you have every right to call me a cheater, but not before. do you see where I am coming from?

No, just like YouTube wouldn’t ask your permission every time you upload a video. you agree to their T&Cs and that’s it. all this information I have said are in our terms and conditions.


Have you heard of the UK company Dripper Labs? If not, it might be worth checking out the platform/business that they have created and compare it with your own plans for similarities/differences.


No I have not! I’ll check them out. thanks


I definitely would dude. It’s a pretty awesome company.


I did read everything and that’s why I don’t trust you. Some form of cryptocurrency? You are beyond belief. You are saying things like “cheat the system” about a system that you will control. What are you talking about every mixer can verify it? Everyone sees every single order that you get and fulfill? I won’t have any access to you system and the whole arrangement relies on trust.
Nothing about this sounds on the level.
Are you saying that you are going to create an entirely new, 100% original collection of submitted recipes and that you will mix only the ones for which you have a contract?
How will you check to see that whomever submitted it hasn’t poached it from elsewhere?
You don’t even notice that you accused me of attacking you, because I don’t trust you. You are a liar, because I can’t attack you from across the Atlantic Ocean. I don’t have to trust you. You have a sketchy scheme and I’m calling it like I see it. I have zero obligation to make you feel nice.


Checked them out. It’s pretty different to what we offer. to start with, we stock concentrates from all the biggest brands. whereas these folks seem to have only one brand and it doesn’t even say what brand it is. They have a total of 62 concentrates whereas we will have 700. you can also see the percentages and company brand of the flavour ingredients in any recipe in our website. Because recipe ingredients are public in our website, we protect the mixer’s recipe by granting the ownership of all recipes that are at least 95% similar, to that mixer. also, if a mixer has a recipe with for example peach (TPA), then if peach 2 (TPA) comes out, a recipe with exactly the same ingredients, but using peach 2 will also belong to the mixer.
Another point regarding royalty, I am thinking that maybe for the first 6 months or so, if person 1 can prove that he/she has an identical or 95% similar recipe in elr to the one that person 2 has on our website, then we will transfer the ownership of that recipe to person 1. of course this is a double edged sward, since if I don’t do this, person 1 could in fairness assume we have stolen their recipe using fake account. but If I do this, then person 2 can rightfully claim that we have stolen their creation and given it to someone else unjustly (given they have not stolen the recipe in the first place). I mean with a recipe which has 10 ingredients, it will be hard to believe that person 2 has created an identical recipe by chance. but if there are only two ingredients, then it’s much more likely that person 2 has genuinely created a duplicate original. Another solution will be to have access maybe to all the most popular recipes in elr and disallow these recipes to be created by anybody unless they are the owner of that recipe in elr. but I guess you can see the problem with this method. I should download all the most popular recipes on elr, which I don’t think I can do, unless they allow me to, purely for this purpose. or maybe a sharing method can be implemented for these situations. although all of these that I have mentioned need to be coded. and we have only a month left until my lease starts. and for that reason, and maybe luckily for you folks, I won’t be very active here and won’t write long winded replies for some time. but do let me know what you folks think.
thanks in advance.


for all I care you could be one of those anti vapers which I have read are lurking around here (given how recently you have joined, your lack of any recipes, the way you lay out your questions etc…). Or something else entirely. maybe my name has given you pre-conceived notions of the kind of person I am? which, if any of the above is the case, then I am wasting my breath. either way, to your actual points.

I know! who in their right mind will use cryptocurrency for a situation where you have to make payments globally to lots of people with low fees, right? beyond belief. Now either my web developer is pulling my leg when he says that’s perfectly possible (which could be the case) or you have a valid reason, and I’m all ears.

I thought it’s clear what I am talking about, but apparently we are talking two different languages. I don’t know how else to put it. You have a recipe on our website, then you make another test account and order your recipe. and your original account receives an email saying a Xml bottle of your recipe has been purchased. lets call this a royalty confirmation email. So I can’t send a royalty confirmation email only when I know you are testing me. there is no way for me to know that. I hope that’s clear. Also as soon as you receive that order you can cancel (since you don’t want to pay, you just want to check). but you have to cancel the order as soon as you receive your royalty confirmation email before we actually make the product. now say if 100 mixers do that and all 100 receive the royalty confirmation email, that I think that is good enough. I have not really given it much thought since production line design has taken all my time so far. And I didn’t think it will be such a big issue (still don’t think it is). But I will for sure give it more thought. and come to think of it, non-UK mixers cannot easily do that, unless they know someone in the UK who can purchase their recipe. so that’s maybe something I need to think about. But I would imagine if 100 random mixers in the UK can confirm that the scheme is honest, that’s at least something. If you are not convinced, tell me why.

Read the above post please.

what are you on about with this contract thing? This will all be in our terms and conditions. when you sign up, you agree that your recipes will be sold and you receive 50% of the profit. how do I prove how much profit I am making? I will share my profit and loss statement.


I can’t tell if you are being deliberately obtuse or not.
I’m not actually interested in your response, so I’ll stop phrasing things like questions.
I don’t trust you because it sounds like you plan on starting a business that steals recipes from here. Your proposed method of prevention is to download the entire recipe database here then afterwards, if a claim is filed, you will check to see if you have sold somebody’s recipe without permission. How is anyone supposed to know they need to file a claim? And seriously, questioning if I’m real? Dude, I’ve got other posts with photos and, perhaps most importantly, I’m not asking for a business transaction with anybody. You are. I’ve got nothing to prove. You do. You don’t think I shared enough recipes? I don’t care. You want to sell a product to people where I am. Of course we have questions. That’s not odd. Accusing us of framing our questions suspiciously is unquestionably odd.


“Ask first, get permission later” seems a terrible foundation to run a business.

Unless I’ve misunderstood, and you are only going to add recipes from ELR that the owner has opted into allow you to sell it ?

But good luck!


Well that’s a change. there are actually things you are not so sure about.

Kind of my point. you were never at any point interested in what I had to say in response. That’s why I can’t bring myself to believe that you posted because you care about the community. I am not actually trying to convince you. that would be impossible after all when someone is not interested in a response. but rather I am trying to convince others who might be reading this.
I may not have the best solutions to every problem and I hold out my hand. But what I know for a fact is that that I am not planning to stiff our mixers in anyway. So all I know is that you have come to the wrong conclusion and I feel very prematurely. And if you do change your mind and want to hear my response, well that’s great. All that leaves me to say really is that I’m sorry I was not able to convince you. maybe it’s a failure in the way I have communicated my intentions, or maybe some people are just harder to convince. And I take solace in the fact that few thousand or at least 100s of people have seen this post and if this was a sentiment that was shared by many, there would have been more people letting me know.
Otherwise if you don’t actually wanna hear my response. I am going to make it my last reply to you or @Psycho_316, it just takes too much time and mental energy to respond to people who you know have the guilty until proven innocent mindset.


Thanks and welcome.

No. We will not add any recipes. the only recipes that are going to be there by default are single flavour recipes. anything else is added by the user. And all these information about royalty and details will be in our terms and conditions. So once you agree to these terms you can put any recipe and you’ll get the royalty when it’s purchased.


This thread makes me think of this.


Or this :joy::joy:



Best of luck with your venture Ash, I hope things pan out for you. You seem to have invested a sh*t load of time and cash on it at least. I recently submitted a recipe to Chefs’ flavours in a competition the prize for which is Chefs manufacturing the winning recipe as a one shot and selling it on their site. Many of the objections raised here apply equally to ANY company manufacturing and selling the recipes of what are effectively ‘amateur’ mixers. There doesn’t seem to be the same level of cynicism though.


I have been thinking about everything that has been said, and feel there are some valid points that need to be addressed.
I am going to offer 30% of the final sale price as royalty, right from the start, regardless of profit and, If our profit margin goes over 60%, anything above that will go to mixers (e.g. if profit margin is 65%, then mixers would get 35%) (again, it would be in our T&C).
The reason is, first I hope you think that’s more fair. And second, we have a “how it works” section in which we talk about the royalty. But I want to be able to explain the royalty scheme in a sentence or two, but the current scheme would be just too wordy and complicated, and mixers will still have their doubts or think that it’s not fair.
Please understand that I am just floating ideas, as I think of them, so that you can give me your input. So please, anybody who is reading, do let me know what you think.


So you started it and ripped off all the recipes good job buddy lol


It’s sure looking like that @Psycho_316.


Thanks mate. This way I don’t have to pay a single penny to anybody.
BTW Were you born a halfwit or did the doctor drop you on your head?
Weren’t you 100% sure just a few months ago that I am going to end up working on this business idea for another two years before I give up? how come now you are 100% sure I have started the business? I like how your brain operates.
@SessionDrummer The business you are referring to is not mine, so think twice before you start another witch hunt and try to destroy someone’s business. Actually having interacted with people like @Psycho_316, I feel me denying my connection to this website is not going to be much help! But that’s not my problem, I have said what needs to be said.
Anyways thanks to those of you have have been supportive or have given me advice on this, I really appreciate it. But I have given up. It has not been easy making this decision, as I had already invested a lot of time and money, but it is what it is.

Interesting that you “want everyone’s help” in creating recipes (I.E. want to steal recipes from a community built to share recipes for fun), and then want input on how to make that recipe stealing business work. From the people you’re stealing them from.
My thoughts? If I take a recipe from someone like, say, freshpies, and mix it, enjoy it, then put it into my daily rotation of flavors I enjoy, then go to his recipe and rate it 5 stars and thank him for sharing, and keep using that recipe for my own enjoyment, that is a shared hobby.
Bring money into it and now you are selling someone else’s intelligent property. For your profit.
That’s stealing.
Reminds me of the characters that used to show up in Mayberry, driving a Cadillac and wearing a white three piece suit with gold pocketwatch chain dangling from the vest, appearing at the county fair collecting recipes from the little old ladies who are competing in the pie baking contest, telling them all how they’re going to get rich if they give him their pie recipes, so he can take them back to New York City to bake them and sell them for a profit.
Except you havent bought a white suit or a Cadillac yet.

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