Starting a new e-liquid business

Can you not read?
I was willing to give 30% for any recipe uploaded. And that value would have increased to keep profits ratio 2:1 in favour of the mixer. now if you think that arrangement is not fair, that’s a valid argument and as I said that is something we could have negotiated. And isn’t that how any other business such as Spotify and YouTube and any other major sport works. In fact what I was offering was higher than what UFC, YouTube etc offer. And these are multi billion dollar companies. Now I understand these are not the best examples as all these companies have been accused of not paying a fair share. But even Premiere League which is one of the highest paying is paying I think about 50% of the revenue. I didn’t even have a problem giving 50% of revenue, but as I have said before, I just cannot offer 50% when I am just beginning and am making no profit whatsoever. Again you can argue that that is not the mixer’s problem, and that would also be a fair argument. Because if the business is successful, I’ll be reaping most of the reward so I should be also shouldering all the risk. And all of this could have been negotiated. So again how was I planning to steal the recipes?
My website was delayed by months because of all the functionalities I wanted to implement to make sure mixers and their recipes are protected and paid correctly.
for example, If user A creates recipe A and and then user B creates recipe B which is more than 95% similar to recipe A, then the royalty of recipe B will actually go to user A and recipe B will be private (meaning only user B could see it). this meant first I had to write a formula to calculate how similarity is calculated, but also I had to hire and pay for an extra developer as my first developer had difficulty implementing this and this needed a lot of fundamental change to the website which took time and money. And this was not the only change I had to make to make sure royalties work correctly and no cheating happens.
Not that I really care at this point. But you tell me, what should I have said to convince you I was not trying to steal?

@Ashkan, If the above mentioned business is NOT yours, then I’m glad you chimed in, as there IS quite a bit of confusion. Secondly, I’m not here to “hunt” or “destroy” anyone’s business, but am attempting to bring everything INTO the light. If you cannot see that, well, then, I can’t help you with that.

Perhaps you could link us to YOUR business, since you stated it was NOT the above mentioned one. I apologize for any confusion, but as you should be able to tell, I’m trying to UN-confuse exactly WHO is doing WHAT.

My website is

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@Ashkan if you are truly looking for help from the community here on ELR, you may want to take a different tact, as the above ^^^^, will not work out for you here.

Once again, if your business was NOT the one listed above, that was MY MISTAKE, and I will take ownership of that mistake. That is on me.


I appreciate you taking the time to clear that up mate. Thank you. If not for that information, incorrect assumptions COULD have been made. Thank you.


I told you it wouldn’t work. And who is the actual tard woh built his business off others hard work and pretty much said go fk yourself ill do what i want. You my friend are a loser. Just like your blooming soon to be bankrupt business. A few reviews havent been kind buddy and again you should test every recipe before you sell it. Did you do that? Nope so who is the twat who was dropped on his head by a doctor. With the negative feedback your up against a wall. But buddy you are so full of :poop::poop::poop:. Btw again your ripping people off. Mixers and customers. Come back in a year when you closed up

Its his 100% he has partners cause he couldnt put the full funds up

Eliquidremix is exactly this guys business plan to a t. He thinks we where all born last night bud.

Dude he made that website to throw everyone off lol. Cmon man

Dont try to hustle a husler especially when he is smarter then you :man_shrugging:t2::man_shrugging:t2: does not appear to be a functional website.

it works when I click on it

I know the landing page works, but I can’t get anything else to work …

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Its not he threw it up to take the attention off him. Eliquidremix is exactly everything he talked about. Its exactly the same business plan. Go back in read it. Its exactly the same. This dude is nothing but a bum. He also is in the uk. What are the odds his business plan gets executed by someone else in the uk lol

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As I said I am not continuing the the business. But almost everything should work. what is it that doesn’t work?

Of course you are not. You have eliquidremix so who is the idiot :joy::joy::joy:

haha mate do you think I am going to bend backward to convince you?