Steampugs Review Website Is Now LIVE :D

Awesome stuff, thanks man :wink:


Hey allā€¦Does anyone have any ideas of where would be good to advertise the site? just trying to generate more traffic while I get together some more content this week.

any and all suggestions welcome :slight_smile:
Thanks Fam x

You can find steam pugs on twitter
And on instagram

You can also share posts and pages directly from the site to ALL social networks :wink:


Iā€™m your first Instagram follower @Pugs1970 :grin:


good stuff my lovely :wink: :+1:

Thank you!

Excellent start! Maybe add an RSS Feed or an email opportunity to Subscribe and get notified of a new Review. My Coil man? You could also post some coil pics to your Instagram


Mr @BoDarc where have you been hidin?..:wink:

I actually havenā€™t been building since back then. this has taken all my spare time, I do intend to get back into it though, Iā€™m even behind on my mixing :pensive:

Itā€™s all for the greater good, my man Neo has been a busy bee indeed, the site is looking awesome, have you visited? what did you think?

And Iā€™m your second Instagram follower :smile:


awesommmmme :grin: thanks guys!!

I knew the ELR Fam wouldnā€™t let me down :grin:

essentially, the more interest our site gets, the more likely it is that the companies I review for will send me more stuff to review so Iā€™ll be able to do more of them! and then more companies will take interest and so on. so please, come visit as often as you like :wink:


Iā€™m sure you know already but mention it anyway; there is a LOT of vape stuff on Insta, both manufacturers of e-juice and hardware, netshops and vapers, non the least.


yeah Iā€™m really not well versed in insta though, I mean my reviews will go on there when I post them but I need followers i think so that more people see them then visit the siteā€¦


Donā€™t forget to tag in the vendor if theyā€™re on Insta :+1:


awesome, well reminded luv :wink:

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Post a few times there so people know what to expect from your account, then start adding everything and everyone you find that will spread the word or hook you up. Search for all names you can come up with both hardware, shops, vapers, e-juice companies, flavor companies - itā€™s a world out there - then add them for you to follow. :+1:


If you want to, you can share from the site by hitting the appropriate share button:

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Sharing to Instagram is off limitsā€¦ sadface.jpeg

At this time, uploading via the API is not possible. We made a conscious choice not to add this for the following reasons:

Instagram is about your life on the go ā€“ we hope to encourage photos from within the app.
We want to fight spam & low quality photos. Once we allow uploading from other sources, itā€™s harder to control what comes into the Instagram ecosystem. All this being said, weā€™re working on ways to ensure users have a consistent and high-quality experience on our platform.

oh wowā€¦:flushed:

On it! :grin::+1::grin:

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Iā€™m presuming we can manually add pictures though right?..Iā€™ll get on that this weekend Neo :wink: :thumbsup:

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