Stepping back

Most of you know me… have seen me around for years…
Dramas, controversies, discoveries and yes promoting my love of @Flavorah… the friends I have made, and the frienamies… the good bad and vapable :stuck_out_tongue:

I am stepping down for a bit, taking time off, starting up a little something something. I hope that you all will be expecting the July contest, I will be back for that… and I hope to see you all putting effort into your mixes. Someone has to pick up my slack!

Will I be back, unsure… but I do have a few new hobbies I might share… and until then… bottles up, keep mixing and keep exploring flavors… Be kind to one another… and keep showing those new posters and mixers the same kind of welcoming help… have some fun yourselves!

I will miss you guys so not sure how long I will stay away… but I know I will be busy… I had fun tonight… thank you to everyone that joined the contest… you are all winners to me!

and do not forget… Flavorah will be releasing even more flavors this summer… I will be around for testing :wink:

the only Smoky Blue :wink:


Jeezzz, I was just starting to get back to being,!!! Hope all turns out good for you, take care of yourself, and all that mushy stuff !!!

All Hail the Alpine !!!


Hey girl hooooold up , there was no prior approval, lmao … I just want to ty for the time and conversations , whatever you need to do , do it we will be here , and you know how to get a hold of me … Wish you the best and have fun …if it wasnt for you I would have never took such a deep dive into FLV flaves bc my first go round was out of whack …


Thank you for the time and for sharing your knowledge in this forum. Please, do come by from time to time. Hell, make a new thread about those guitars you make, this forum could handle it.


I didn’t sign for your leave… who told you could go… :joy:
You can’t just do it…
But I thank you for all your precious suggestion and what you wrote will be here till net cracks up…
We will all read your suggestion and tests again and again and again… so thank you for all the precious help you gave to the ELR family.

You’re not going anywhere!!

P.S. you saw my avatar… so guess…:joy::love_you_gesture:


Morning ya’ll… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

No serious… I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I will be stopping in every now and then. Will check up on everyone. I will take pix of what all I am getting into, and I will still be there for the ultras we all love… I just have a lot going on right now and think for now, this is the best.

@Iv3shf haha I am off to my shop to start inlaying frets, and cut up a few nuts and bridges for this short scale dulcimer guitar… :stuck_out_tongue: :tada::hugs:

All that wood you guys see, my son is busting it up for firewood. Lots of yard stuff to get done this next couple weeks. I am also learning to carve bone and wood… Sometimes, stepping out of what you know and learning new things, can help someone like me grow more. Let’s face it, once you reached the top… there isnt any room to mix higher… lmao!! keep it on the low… and you and your flavors will go a long way!

It’s not that I don’t want to be here, but that I want to do other things too. I have worked with people all over the world, (I still have a few I work with for commercial lines) and yes, I have shared all of my info on how to work with some of the best flavors. My recipes will not go anywhere, unless elr goes down. I still see a few in juice lines, and yeah for what it is… is fine. I know who has them legit and who has snagged them not so legit. That is just how things go. Flavorah knows I will still do the contests and still give my notes, so just be on the look out for them. The website I have will keep going, and I will finish up what I started a few years ago… I still have a ton of older and new notes to put there for everyone.

I am super excited about these new projects of mine, and yes I am having a blast! I have people here locally that play, and my son now has dance lessons lined up (Not my suggestion!! but his) and I figured I better give a heads up as to what I am doing, rather than leaving you all to wonder… :wink:

My coffee cup is empty and off I go… big hugs, always enjoy the flavors you create! :smiley:
I am so procrastinating… thank you for the ride here, it has been fun! :upside_down_face:


Good to hear you’re going out trying new projects @anon84779643 but sad you’ll be missing from here. You’re the reason I’ve decided to consolidate my efforts using FLV only. Hence my recent “over the top” FLV purchases. No need to explain the logic of it as far as I’m concerned. It makes so much sense to me at least. Thank you so much on getting me along the FLV path. I have so much more reading to do on your website it should keep me busy enough. So much more SFT to do as well :nerd_face:. Have fun in the future and I’ll be watching out for whenever you pop in here. Until then I’ll be relying on @Jazzy_girl and @Laura5 (and any other FLV gurus) for some guidance :grinning:. Cheers girlfriend!


@anon84779643…We’ve already chatted privately, so you know where my head is at. And I want to see your bone nut work when it’s done!
Later Gator…
<< Dan >>


Same here @anon84779643. I would never have learned near enough about FLV without you.


I’m not going the please don’t go route (remember that stoopid 90s song? Lol) because we all need a break from time to time and knowing you, you’ll still be answering pm’s. That’s just how you are, even if you want to be a “badass” at times :hugs:

But I will say this, and that’s based on the advice you always give us, have fun with it, no matter what it is that you do!

I do hope you keep us updated tho, see you at the end of summer, gurl :wink:


@Laura5 and @Jazzy_girl lol… they both will be fine… proud of my girls… I am… and there are a few others out there… time will tell tho! I messed up one of my necks I was working on yesterday, however my inlays are looking great… for a first timer :wink: and yes I still mix and vape… life wont be the same if I stopped… my nic level is zero, unless I need a good nic salt hit, which lately is not often… balance is everything!

Will try to keep things updated… will have to see… busy schedule here, and I do have a local shop now, just need to fill it up! You know my spot wont be easily filled… but I will pop in from time to time… best I can do for now! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Keep the coffee ready :coffee: and if it’s too late in the day get the drinks out! :tropical_drink: :stuck_out_tongue: Laters! :slight_smile:


Crazy shout outs. Thanks guys. And good luck Smokey! You got skills!


Hey Smokey, this is the first time actually, the second time I’m posting, I got kinda confused cuz I had thought this was the e-cig forum. Anyway, that is some beat u have there. I’m also a musician, but not a luthier like you.
I’m curious what material you’re using for this, and what the strings are tuned to. My guess it’s some kind of open tuning? Regarding juicing, I recently screwed up big time, long story, but the e-cig people got me back on track.
After living in our home since October 1990, today we just moved to an apartment, what with all the kids out and I’m TIRED of shoveling, tho I’m glad I’m able to, so I can’t complain. I’ve been keeping all my ingredients ready with an ample supply of nicotine in the freezer.
In any case, hope this isn’t boring, ( after all this isnt a musuc forum) my friend from Santa Cruz, Josh, sent me a housewarming gift here in NYC, and wanted o know if a wafflemaker was ok. Well, he sent me a 2006, American made Blond Stratocaster !
Well I can’t make my Eggos but I’ll take it ! My Pre CBS Princeton Reverb, which I bought for THIRTY BUCKS in 1968 and it makes the sweetest sound, tho my main axe is Keys, whatever.
My first mix, I thought I followed the correct instructions, using a scale, which I’ve been told better to measure by volume. In any case, I miscalculated, that is an understatement, as my first vape almost sent me to the great beyond,
I will be looking forward to checking out you and this forum as it seems like a nice forum. Seems like u have a bunch of followers and I do have MUCH to learn, hitting a zinger on the fretboard is a bit safer than too much nicotine.
Good luck in ur endeavors. I hope that didn’t bore you with my comments. Take CARE! Uri


Thanks @Uri!

Open tuning… DAd for that blue one. My fav tho is a drop D or D#… next is the key of A… That aqua blue is a cigar box guitar, 3 string. My fav tho is my 36 inch (scale length 30) diddley bow… I made it from a wriggley’s tin … you can hear a sample of it here:

That was some waffle maker lol… but I have learned a few things on intonation and temperament, and I just do not think I can go back to a manufactured guitar any longer. I have too much fun with open keys and actually getting out of my office and house and having a blast! :slight_smile:

I have gotten into carving as well, and have a full day today ahead of me, with a late start!

Lots of good advice and people here, any questions, do not hesitate to ask (post)!


Thank you for your kind response, it sounds like so much fun. I’m about to listen!


Very very interesting, Smokey! This is the kind of music I LOVE. Highly original, and the fact that you produced this on something you made, must give you a special feeling. It’s really quite good. I’m 66, and have been playing the piano since I was 4 years old. Looking forward to hearing and seeing some more!



Just one more thing, I currently work at a high school for special ed kids, during breaks we used to go out and have our cigarette breaks. Of course that’s over and done with. The funny thing is we used to have nicknames for each other, one staff member was called Puff and I was…,u guessed it…,Smoky!