Stop Donald Trump from signing the federal flavor ban

Signed thank you for the link haven’t been around this site in a while


Yep, i know about lipid metabolism disorders. I have one. Serious pain in the ass, but no relation whatsoever to lipoid pneumonia nor any vaping-related issue that i know of. Can’t figure out why you posted this?


The US isn’t the only country where that’s banned, same thing going on here… but I really don’t have a problem with that per se. Tobacco nor vaping should be advertised or promoted publicly in my opinion. However, if someone is looking for ways to quit smoking, it shouldn’t be illegal to be presented as a valid option. In Belgium even that is illegal and the government even sends mystery shoppers to vape shops to see if they are adhering to the laws…


@jay210 For 10 years people have been vaping? and no studies were found on the subject. And all of sudden it’s vapeing and lipoid pneumonia to blame. Just seems mighty suspicious


Absolutely. I just can’t see any connection with lipid metabolism disorders. That’s the part of your post that had me stumped. You certainly don’t get those from vaping. You usually get them from your genes

(However, the supposed connection between lipoid pneumonia and vaping has ben raised before abnd
debunked before. Cabn;'t quote chapter and verse, but I’m sure there an article about it somewhere on Dr Farsalinos site . But you wouldn’t find a scientific study, as such, cos the whole idea was based on uninformed speculation, not research. I mean, no scientist would take the idea seriously enough to test it out.

The new thing here is that lipids have actually been found in black-market THC pods, so we can’t categorically state that vapes can’t cause lipoid pneumonia anymore, just that legal vapes can’t , because legitimate manufacturers are not that freaking stupid. )


That’s kinda how I see it. All they are saying is black-market products are the cause and problem. Which is another way of saying that the standard vaping products from legit companys that everyone has been using for the last 10 years… seem to be OK for the most part. - (at least that’s how I read into it.) So the motive for the flavor and vaping bans seem that much more suspicious

On top of it they “seem” to be very affected about any advertising for vaping. However they have blown the whole issue into such a frenzy that they themselves along with the news-media companies have just put vaping in mass amounts of “highlight” coverage in front of every man women and child throughout the whole world. So if anyone didn’t know about vaping they sure know about now. :upside_down_face:


I’ll buy in on that. My huge problem is with suppression of the truth. This end justifies the means horse shit is just that, horse shit. I’ve been approached by many youth regarding vaping. Truth is, you will incur risk by breathing anything except air. The risk is overshadowed by benefit in cases such as medical enhailers and such. For a smoker who can’t quit smoking any other way, the risk is also overshadowed by the benefit. Nicotine is addictive. I do the math to show them they could easily buy cars and homes with the cost of the addiction. You have to be dumber than a rock to willingly do these things to yourself. Far more effective that showing worms in a woman’s hair and screaming “you can’t have this!”

Governments are the most untrusted entities on the planet. Wonder why?


A really informative email came my way from @Flavorah
Here are a few highlights




This issue has been over for awhile …Closing Thread