Stopped Vaping

So I’ve quit vaping but not nicotine. I moved to a product similar to nicotine pouches but is acctually small cotton balls about 5mm in diameter. Now with all the stashed nic I have I am wondering why not diy it. Anyone know of any resources?


Not familiar with small nicotine cotton balls ?
How do you use them?
Put a cotton ball between your cheek and gum?
Or rub it on your skin like a topical application?


Just a pinch between the cheek and gum. No spitting no stained teeth. I haven’t vaped since May 3rd. No more batteries, devices or the hassle that goes along with vaping or it’s stigma and snide looks. I can enjoy my nicotine anywhere anytime even on Comercial flights acrossed the pond.
Its called Cotton Mouth


What are you asking exactly? Sounds like you’ve commanded your own resources in successfully finding a way to use your left over nic. Congratulations on overcoming what became a hassle for you. I like the inhale/exhale too much to stop vaping.


Welcome back after 8 years @Icemanxxxv. The young ppl are using such items, but I could imagine with a little brainstorming we’d be able to come up with something!! :blush:


People used to make their own nicotine toothpicks, perhaps you can google that and find some insights.

Certainly gonna need something to help with yucky nicotine taste, menthol/flavors/sweetener. I had one years ago from the fella that ran our local vape shop, it was horrible, lol. Like a mouthful of nicotine gum.


Soundz similar to SNUS Snus - Wikipedia, a scandavian produced niicotine delivery system. Tried it, dont like it :man_shrugging:t2: